Browse Month: June 2009

What to do? What to do???


I’m in the market for a new phone and can’t seem to decide.  Already have AT&T so the inevitable will be the Apple iPhone 3GS.  BUT the Palm Pre looks really cool too but I’d have to switch to Sprint.  Hm…

Found this flowchart from Gizmodo.  Didn’t really help but it was fun to go through all the choices.  This article was also interesting.  I’m so confused.  Someone help!!!


Lakers flag

I could practically taste the win this afternoon but I was also afraid that I’d have to return to Pete’s on Tuesday.  We’ve spent the last 4 games at Pete’s drinking pitchers of Coors light and we were in need of a major detox.  At 3 pm, Susie, Victor, and Tinou snagged 4 tables in our usual spot and I showed up around 3:30 and helped make our group look a little bigger.  Tip-off wasn’t until 5:00 so we were a little nervous about the post-Giants game crowd giving us the stink-eye.  Eventually the rest of our group arrived and we were large enough to fill up the space.  There was also a super obnoxious guy across the way yelling “GO FLORIDA!”.  We kept our cool through the first quarter and once we tied up the score, he suddenly shut up.  Ah…peace and quiet.

Back to Back

It was great having everyone together for the game and Jimmy even wore his “Back to Back” shirt.

Number One

I also had my 2000 NBA Champions shirt that I believe has brought us luck.

It’s hard being a Laker fan in SF but it makes every win that much more satisfying.  By the 4th quarter, we had a commanding lead and won the NBA Championship.  We busted out the foam fingers and Lakers flag and had celebratory Kamikaze shots all around as the Bay Area/Anti-Lakers crowd headed out of the bar.

Group Shots

Great job, Lakers.  6th Man was behind you all the way.

Here are the photos from this eventful evening.

Beautiful Weekend

nina and jes

It finally felt like spring this weekend with blue skies and sunshine everywhere you looked.  Saturday was especially nice so we took Koa to Fort Funston for a romp in the sand.  Before we left, the tide report said that the water would be too high to play on the beach.


Fort Funston

So we did a little exploring up top through the tunnels and trees before heading down to the water.  On our first try, we got down halfway and then Koa darted back up the hill as if he saw the water and freaked out.

koa and nina

We finally managed to get down to the water and it was gorgeous!  The water level was also low enough so we got to walk all the way down to the other side.  Koa had a great time and boy was he tired on our way home.


Unfortunately for me, he wasn’t tired enough to make bathtime easy for me.  He screamed and scratched until the very end.  I cleaned most of him but his head didn’t really a washin’.  By then I had given up.  I guess baths will never get any easier for us.

Girlie Saturday Fun


On Saturday morning, I had my very first facial.  It was relaxing, a little hurty, but oh so nice.  She said I was really dehydrated and all I could think was “Duh”.  I knew it all along but it was funny to hear someone tell me that.

Anyhoo…with my newly hydrated and glowing face, I then headed out to the mall to meet up with Michelle who was enjoying a Jack-free day.  We had Thai noodles for lunch and then went to see the movie “UP“.  We sucked it up and went to see it in 3D and it turned out to be a lot of fun.  Their technology must have really improved because the glasses were comfortable and I didn’t get dizzy.  The movie itself was so cute and I managed to shed a few tears along the way.  Pixar and Disney always do a good job with developing really rich characters and bringing in just the right amount of emotion to make it a true adventure.


Michelle and I were saying that Russell (the boy in the movie) looked like a younger Tob.  However, it pretty much stopped at looks because he was definitely more outgoing and scrappier than Tob.  Dug, the dog, was probably my favorite character.  I loved how they captured the simplicity of a dog’s personality and undying devotion to his master.  He even did the whole rub-the-head-under-the-hand-for-a-head-scratch thing that Koa does all the time.  Anyone still need to see it?  I would go again.

We be clubbin’!


That’s Billy with the bunny ears in the back.

On Friday night, there was a moment when I had to pause and do a double-take.  Jes asked me what he was supposed to wear and I replied, “Club Attire”.   Whu?!  We were actually going out to a club?!  Yes yes…crazy, right?!  Well, it’s true.  Jes and I went out to Element Lounge for drinks and dancing with Ishya, Billy, Ranee, and Jamie.  We were put on the guest list and got to dodge the $10 cover.  Phew!


Anyway, it was fun to see the cousins again and I had no idea that Billy had so many dance moves.  I especially like the cowboy dance.  Here’s a photo of it in action.

Thanks to Ranee for planning it.  It was just what I needed after a long and crazy work week.  We left the club around 1:00 am when they started playing Whitney Houston and Jes and I even did the whole “I’m buzzed and need to eat something greasy” thing afterward.  We went to Tommy’s Joynt down the street for a pastrami sammich and potato salad.  Good times.