Browse Day: June 7, 2009

ManKamp 09


The boys returned home this afternoon alive and uninjured but a little stinky.  They actually backpacked all their stuff 3 miles up a mountain and hung out in the middle of the woods with no running water or toilets…just a lake and shovel.


Round Lake


They also gathered wood for a raging fire, shared booze, ate hot dogs, and made lots of noise without any neighbors around to complain.  It sounded like they had a fun time despite all the cold rain and sometimes snow that was falling on them the whole time.  Actually, the sun only decided to come out this morning as they hiked back to the cars.

ethiopian dinner


Once the boys returned and showered, we all went out for Ethiopian food in Berkeley so I got to catch up with G and Tob before they flew back to their respective homes.  It sounds like the next ManKamp will be in 2011.  Maybe Jack will be old enough to tag along by then.  Then again…maybe he shouldn’t go.

Jes took the waterproof camera and actually took a bunch of photos.

One Last Goodbye

Dr. Mai

Friday was Dr. Mai‘s last day and so of course there was one more party for her.

zoo animals

Here’s a photo of us as 3 tigers, a unicorn, and a reindeer.  Confused?  It’s just an inside joke that I don’t think will be worth explaining here.  🙂