Browse Month: May 2009



Jes and I went to the CA Academy of Sciences this morning and we were pleasantly surprised to see that it wasn’t as crowded as first time we visited last fall.  We missed the rainforest last time so that was our first stop.  It’s a huge dome that has a special temperature and humidity for all the plants and butterflies.  There were all kinds of butterflies and lots of them!


The dome has natural light that comes in from the circular windows on the rooftop above and a huge pond down below filled with gigantic arowanas and catfish.  At the very bottom there’s a tube that allows you to hang out below the water and the dome, which give you a really cool point of view.


It was a fun way to spend a Sunday morning and we were home by 1:00 pm to enjoy the rest of the day.

Fruit Everywhere!


On Saturday morning we all woke up early and left the house by 8:30 for a trip to Brentwood.  It’s a 54-mile drive to the middle of farmtown to pick some white peaches, cherries, and blackberries.  The weather was warm but pleasant and the fruit was plentiful.


Little J had a good time giving Uncle Bang dirt, wandering the orchard, and feeding the goats some twigs.  Jes and I ended up with about 4 pounds of fruit – 3 white peaches and lots of Bing and white cherries.


We also found some bootilicious cherries that were just as yummy.   The others also picked a bunch of blackberries, which turned out to be the best deal since they were so tiny and had no seed inside.  For $2.50/pound, we have enough fruit for at least a week and had a fun time pickin’ fruit.


For lunch, we went to a Red Robin in some mall that we found along the way.  The last time I had Red Robin was a while ago in Irvine and it was delicious.  We were all so excited that we ordered the Tower of (Onion) Rings for the table.  Awesome.

The Making of a Fan

watching the game

Little J and I spent the evening in front of the TV watching the Lakers play in Game 5.  He had a grilled cheese sammich while I ate my cherries.  When the players were running up and down the court, he would point and say “Ball! Ball!”.  Woohoo!  He seemed to actually enjoy the game but then again I think TV is still pretty novel for him.

auntie beak and lil j

The most important part was that by halftime he managed to eat all of his dinner and drank all his banana milk.  The rest of the evening was spent pushing cars around and rearranging the Tupperware drawer.  When it was time for bed, he got his teeth brushed, diaper changed (whew, it was loaded!), pjs on, and was out in just a couple minutes.  Woohoo!!!  So, by the end of the night I had a happy sleeping toddler and the Lakers won Game 5.  Today was a good day.


Mr. Fizzle

…Mr. Fizzle Ma Nizzle.  He’s a gangsta fish from the ‘hood.  We passed by a fishie store on Saturday and it triggered an old itch.  We can’t seem to go very long without a swimmer in the house.  So, before I could blink an eye, we were at Petco next to the un-Safeway buying a Delta Tail Betta Fish and a 3-gallon tank.  Sweeeet…

My Doctor, Dr. Mai

happy hour

Last night we had a going-away Happy Hour for our dearest Dr. Mai at Marc 49.  She’s leaving us for a 3-year residency at the VA Hospital in Westwood to become a doctor in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.  She’s not only a great doc but has been so much fun to have as our pediatrician and even patched up my finger

Dr. Mai

I was a dummy and sliced my middle finger on a knife after our Fun Friday outing to McDonald’s with the kids.  Anyway, we’ll certainly miss her…especially during next year’s w/c bball tourney.

try again next time

I received my first jury summons a few weeks ago and this week was my week to report.  SF County has a pretty convenient website system so it was pretty painless.  Each afternoon I went online to find out whether or not it would be my turn.  I’m not sure if it’s a good or bad thing but I was never called in all week.  I was kind of looking forward to having a day at the courthouse surfing the internet on their free WiFi and experiencing a taste of the justice system but I wasn’t given the opportunity just yet.  Oh well…perhaps my turn will come again next year.  Until then, my patients will continue to get better since I didn’t have to miss any work this week.