Browse Month: April 2009

Magical House is portable.

On Wednesday afternoon, Mommy flew in and we got to hang out for the past day.  I didn’t realize the Magical House was so portable.  She packed a container of Sakoo Sai Moo and carried it in her bag for me!!  On Wednesday night, we had Kao Mun Gai for dinner and then I came home from work on Thursday to a Duck Curry dinner.  On top of that, I found a load of laundry done and folded on my bed!!  What?!  I told her that I didn’t have anything to wash and she somehow found enough to fill a load.  Thanks, Mommy!!!  Have a good time explorin’ the city this weekend!

They’re baaaaaack…


Baseball season started a couple weeks ago and on their first home game opener, we were treated to some fireworks.  Being that our unit doesn’t face the ballpark, we watched them through the reflection off the units across the courtyard.


The dog hid under the table while I shot a couple neato photos.

Party of Five

A5 bar

On Saturday night we went to a party at A5 hosted by five people: Eleen (for her bday), Jenn (for her bday), Clara (for her bon voyage to Africa), Tony (for a zappos tweetup), and James (haamonii smooth free tasting).

birthday ladies

photo courtesy of jimagu

It was a lot of fun just hanging out with friends, meeting new people, trying different haamonii cocktails, and relaxing after a day of playing basketball.

Here are photos of the party.

Worst. Team. Ever.


Not really…well, maybe.  What we lacked in skill, we had plenty of heart and sportsmanship.  When we arrived, we all had no idea what to expect and were sorely intimidated by the other teams.  Luckily, the sports wheelchairs were awesome and so much easier to maneuver.  We played three 25-minute games and got better with each game.


After a while we were really just hoping to score one basket and then it was just a game against ourselves.  Our coach (guy in the blue) was a good sport and still managed to find some positive feedback for us.  In the end, we managed to score 7 whoppin’ times!  Woo!

big trophy

We came in last place, surprise surprise.  And this photo is just us with the first place trophy to make ourselves feel better.  BUT, we still got an trophy for “Best Sportsmanship”.  Yay!

little trophy

I think we’ll need to start practicing now for next year.  If anyone wants to join us, let me know.  It’s a ton of fun!  Here are the photos from practice and the tournament.

Basketball Practice


This Saturday (April 18th), I’ll be playing in a 3-on-3 wheelchair basketball tourney.  It’s to benefit the Bay Area Outreach & Recreation Program located in Berkeley.  Unfortunately, everyone on our team has never played w/c b-ball so today at lunch we gathered all our sports chairs and “practiced” at our Sports Medicine court across the street from the main hospital.


I have horrible upperbody strength so this was pretty challenging.  Just wheeling myself across the street was an adventure all by itself.  Once at the court, we all realized how much harder it is to shoot the ball without your legs, being at least a foot shorter, and still having to get the ball into a hoop at regulation height.  We all survived our one and only practice session and hopefully it will be enough.  Come out and watch me!!!

James Kenney Recreation Center
1720 8th St, Berkeley, CA 94710

Saturday, April 18th 10:00 am -2:00 pm

Half the Tob x2


We’ve got a slim and trim Tob in the house!!!  He came up to visit SF for two days and was 40 pounds lighter.  Crazy.  On Monday night we all went to dinner at Buca di Beppo and then the boys decided to come over for drinks.  I didn’t get to bed until about midnight.  On Tuesday night we went to Hi Dive for bar food and beer.  The boys decided to go for second night of drinking on a school night and I got a second night of unrestful sleep.  I’m. So. Very. Tired.

Anyway, it was great to have 2/3 of Roebling back together again and they had a good time making fun of each other.  Now it’s time to go to bed early to do some catch-up.

Here are photos from both nights.