Haha, I know we were awesomely sweaty but I’m referring to the temperature on Sunday morning. Jia, Vyl, and I ran the more|fitness Half Marathon on Sunday, which took us around Central Park twice. I had always wanted to run around CP and finally got to do it!

At 6:30 in the morning, Jia and I headed out to the subway station in 70-degree weather. It was really eerie how warm it was so early in the morning. By the time we met up with Vyl at the park around 7:45, it was about 74 degrees. In fact, as we stood waiting for the start gun, Vyl and I ducked behind the people in front of us for some shade. Ah…much cooler.

The race started at 8:00 am and we were off! Fortunately for us, the route had pockets of shade along the way and they were spraying us with a firehouse at certain spots but it didn’t keep us cool the whole time. There was an abundance of fluid stations at each mile marker and I forced myself to take a cup each time even when I didn’t feel like it. As we finished the first lap and started the second, we started seeing girls one-by-one lying on the ground with ambulances pulled up alongside them. Dude…I thought I was feeling hot but some people were hitting the wall pretty early. Eventually, the heat got to me too and gave me a crazy nauseous feeling. I had to take frequent walk breaks to cool off but I finished the race without passing out. Woo! Vyl and I kept wishing for SF weather and Jia was having a great time running her very first half marathon. The route also had some rolling hills but nothing as drastic as we were used to. However, it was enough to make the heat even more unbearable.

At the finish, we got our medals and last cup of Gatorade and were greeted by Jason and Jes. I think our time was around 2:30 but I don’t actually know since we both forgot to turn off our Garmins at the finish.

We took the subway and then a cab to our brunch destination where Bang met up with us. Brunch was at Alice’s Tea Cup, which was satisfying but they totally failed on the bacon…too bad.

The subway trains were packed on our way back and at one point had to stradle some guy’s wheelchair and squish myself against the pole to keep me from falling. Once we got back to Queens, I showered and took a deadly nap next to the A/C. It was great.
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