Browse Day: April 24, 2009

Good Morning, NYC!


Jes and I took the red-eye to JFK last night and arrive at 6:15 am EST.  I actually slept some in the plane and woke up to a spectacular sunrise!

game time

The subway ride to Jason and Jia’s was easy and the brothers got a couple hours of game time while I took a quick snooze and hung out before our adventures for the day.  We already had a small sandwich at the airport and ordered eggs and corned beef hash that was delivered to the house.  Now it’s off to Rizzo’s and then a subway ride into Manhattan.  Woo!

Magical House is portable.

On Wednesday afternoon, Mommy flew in and we got to hang out for the past day.  I didn’t realize the Magical House was so portable.  She packed a container of Sakoo Sai Moo and carried it in her bag for me!!  On Wednesday night, we had Kao Mun Gai for dinner and then I came home from work on Thursday to a Duck Curry dinner.  On top of that, I found a load of laundry done and folded on my bed!!  What?!  I told her that I didn’t have anything to wash and she somehow found enough to fill a load.  Thanks, Mommy!!!  Have a good time explorin’ the city this weekend!