Browse Day: April 21, 2009

They’re baaaaaack…


Baseball season started a couple weeks ago and on their first home game opener, we were treated to some fireworks.  Being that our unit doesn’t face the ballpark, we watched them through the reflection off the units across the courtyard.


The dog hid under the table while I shot a couple neato photos.

Party of Five

A5 bar

On Saturday night we went to a party at A5 hosted by five people: Eleen (for her bday), Jenn (for her bday), Clara (for her bon voyage to Africa), Tony (for a zappos tweetup), and James (haamonii smooth free tasting).

birthday ladies

photo courtesy of jimagu

It was a lot of fun just hanging out with friends, meeting new people, trying different haamonii cocktails, and relaxing after a day of playing basketball.

Here are photos of the party.