Wizard of Oz always kinda creeped me out as a kid but I was still intrigued by the story of Wicked. So, last Fall when I heard that it was returning to SF, I bought a pair of tickets. Ryan and Michelle managed to get tickets right next to us so we went together last night. It started with dinner at Home and then a quick ride on Muni to the Orpheum.
The musical had a good story and the performers were really good. It started out sounding a little like a Disney production but ended up being really entertaining. I actually had no idea what to expect and the story was really interesting and had some nice twists that went along with the original movie. It was still a little creepy but it was a fun evening out on the town.
This photo was taken on Sunday and the eggling is still going strong. I added 3 more seeds last weekend and they’ve also sprouted! Yay!
The original sprouts are growing their second set of leaves now, which is very egg-citing! Haha. I had to throw that in somehow. Anyway, at this rate, I should have some tasty basil to eat by summer. Keep ’em comin’!!
Saturday turned out to be a day of playing in the snow after all. It just didn’t involve skis. Ryan and his sister made an enormous snowman.
Koa got to hang out with the horses, smell the chickens, and run off-leash in the snow.
Vyl and I made a snowboard ramp and a bunch of snowballs to throw at Bang. Ryan and Bang tried out the ramp but it was kinda of a dud considering the snow was super slushy by the time it was ready.
In the meantime, Jes took a super nap with the heater on in the apartment and Jack wasn’t having a very good day, which made Ryan’s supposed day off a little stressful.
Little J was super clingy and grumpy, didn’t eat very much, and didn’t appreciate the snow either.
Poor little guy must have really missed his mommy ‘cuz he got all worked up and ended took 2 monster naps that afternoon.
Once Jes woke up from his nap, he tried the X3 chains on our tires and they sorta fit. It will just have to do. The afternoon ended with a really yummy ribs dinner made by Ryan’s mom complete with pasta salad, potato salad, and corn bread.
At 5 pm, it was time to head out. Ryan drove ahead of us with his mom’s truck and we made it out of the rough spots with a couple slips but the chains really saved us. We lucked out on the weather (no snow or rain) and got home by 8 pm. It’s a good thing we left when he did because it started pouring overnight and today was blustery and stormy as well. I guess we’ll just have to try again next time.
We drove up I-80 last night in the rain and then eventually got some snow as we entered Auburn. We planned to stay at Ryan’s mom’s house for the night and drive another hour up to the mountain this morning. Well, things didn’t exactly go as planned. Last night, we drove the 330xi through 6-inches of snow all the way through the windy narrow roads to the house and thought we were home free. Then it happened…Ryan’s car (also 4WD) got stuck in a ditch and then we got stuck behind him because we stopped. It took a good hour to tow, push, and rev the cars out and up the driveway to the house. This is just a gratuitous photo of our car in the driveway with the racks installed.
We slept in the barn, which has a cute little 2-bedroom, 1-bathroom apartment inside. We brought the Aerobed and the Bangs brought their sleeping bags that I think held up in the cold better than our comforter. Koa didn’t get much sleep last night b/c he couldn’t find a warm spot to sleep…that was until he wedged himself between Bang and Vyl’s sleeping bags.
This morning Koa had a good time running with the horses, sniffin’ the grounds, and peeing on the snow. We got up early and piled into one car and headed out. We didn’t make it past the first hill outside of the driveway and got stuck again.
Oh boo….so Ryan’s mom’s truck towed him out and now we’re hanging out in a warm toasty house watching Cars. We had friends driving up this morning and ended up stuck on I-80 with a 4-hour wait only to turn around. So, I guess things could be worse. I’m not sure how or when we’ll going home but we’ll sit here for now. I guess it’s a good thing I got Monday off after all.
I’ve been chugging along these past couple weeks with work and running.
At work, I’m transitioning from the Outpatient service to the Acute Inpatient Rehab service. This means juggling my usual schedule of 20-25 patients/week with the one patient (staying in the hospital) that needs to be seen twice daily. It has certainly been quite an experience so far but luckily I’m paired up with my favorite PT, a good friend of mine, who keeps me laughing and in check as I’m learning the ropes. The only bummer about this new assignment is that I have to see him at 8:15 in the morning, which is 45 minutes earlier than usual for me. I also have a student following me around all week, which has slowed me down a little bit. Luckily she’s fun to have around.
As for the half marathon training, I’m up to 6 miles now with a little under 2 months to go. I’m on a steady routine of 3-4 days/week of running, which includes the Long Run on the weekend. I’ve been injury-free so far (knock on wood) and it’s getting a little easier each week. Last week I ran from my house to Fisherman’s Wharf and back, which was a little crazy trying to dodge all the tourists and street performers. I may need to rethink my route for this weekend.
This week it’s been raining and I’m hopeful that I’ll be able to go skiing for the first time this season. I was told that I wasn’t needed at work on Monday after all so it looks like Tahoe may be in my near future…this weekend perhaps?!
I renewed our Netflix subscription last month and I’ve been doing some catching up. I’m not sure I ever mentioned this but I once belonged to a hula halau (Dance Troupe) in Torrance. It was a great way to unwind after work, was actually a good workout, and was just plain fun. Well, when the foreign film “Hula Girls” came out it intrigued me and I finally got to see it. It’s based on a true story and featured a small group of coal mining daughters who went against the wishes of their parents to learn hula and helped rebuild their dying economy. The Hawaiian Center still exists today and it’s a thriving oasis for tourists who want to escape the cold.
The second movie I just saw was “Run Fatboy Run“. It’s about a lazy hack of a guy who tries to win his true love back by proving he could finish something in life. That something happened to be a marathon, which was what her fiance happened to be training for. I’m not really doing the plot much justice but it was rather funny and entertaining. With my Half Marathon coming up in April, this movie was a great way to keep me going.
Coincidentally, I just found out that a running friend of mine has joined a halau up here in the Bay Area and I might be checking it out soon. It’s funny how both running and hula have crossed paths again.
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