Browse Month: February 2009

If I were 4 1/2 today…

Have you seen this commercial?!  I swear this is what I would be like if I was 29 years younger (but maybe not as cute).  In fact, without realizing it, I just did this the other day to Jes with a “Look what I did!  Isn’t this one so much better?!” So photog-nerdy of me…



Check out these cute little individually wrapped sugar cubes!  I found them at the little French bistro down the street.  Makes me want a hot cup of coffee about now.

And the winner is…

oscar tally

…not me.  We went to the Bangs’ Oscar Party last night and had a good time guessing who was going to win.  Bang coded a voting site that allowed us to post our picks ahead of time and he kept score in real time.  Being the two people who never watch movies, Jes and I proudly sat at the bottom of the list of 15 people playing and had a good laugh.  I guess I will eventually watch the movies once they’re on Netflix.  Vyl also cooked up some tasty southern food that accompanied the Popeye’s fried chicken that Bang picked up.  Her red beans and rice was so yummy and the “party punch” was refreshing and not too sweet.

So happy…

Running Koa

While I went running this morning, Jes was supposed to take Koa out for his am walk. But instead, he decided to take Koa to Fort Funston. It’s supposed to start raining for days tonight so it was nice to let him run free beforehand. I love to see him run and he always looks so happy.

Beak and Koa

It also interesting to see how he does his exploring while he tries to keep track of our whereabouts. At one fork in the path, we took one side and waited to see if he would take the right path. He took the other one and started looking around for us. He doesn’t have very good sight so he relied on his hearing to find us on the other side.  Jes whistled and he came around the bend.  Then I called him and he came running.  We saw him do this in the snow last weekend too. Maybe it’s time for me to get a whistle for these occasions.

Here are the photos.

8 Mile Tour

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This morning I went for my 8-mile Long Run.  To help me get through it, Vyl met up with me at about Mile 4 (right by her house) and took me up the hill and through Presidio.  I took a photo with my Crackberry at each mile just to keep me entertained.  Let’s go on a little tour of SF, shall we?!


Here’s Mile 1: The Bay Bridge!  Yay!  Almost at the Ferry Plaza too.


Mile 2: It’s Coit Tower!!


Mile 3: I’m in the middle of Fisherman’s Wharf and past Pier 39.


Mile 4: Ah, made it over the Fort Mason hill and to the Marina Green.  Time to look for Vyl.


Mile 5: We’re at Crissy Field.  I can see the GG Bridge!


Mile 6: The GG Bridge is getting bigger.


Mile 7: Phew, I made it up the hill.  We’re in the Presidio now.  Lots of trees!


Mile 8: All done!  Hello, Palace of Fine Arts!  Now it’s time to hit the Starbucks.

As you can see, the run was very scenic, had two hills to climb, and almost no street lights to stop me.  Thanks to Vyl for getting me through the last half of the run.  That was fun!

I totally rocked it!

sewing machine

Last week my PT partner asked me to make a gait belt for our patient and I said, “OK, but let me just figure out how to do it first.”  Yesterday I consulted with my mentor about what materials to use and the best way to assemble it and dove right in.  My biggest hesitance was tackling the industrial sewing machine that is notoriously prone to breakage but I figured it out.  I think my saving grace were the sewing classes I took last year.

two straps


Once I got started, everything I learned came flowing back.  I pinned my materials, remembered how to turn the stitch, and even replaced the bobbin when it ran out.  This machine was awesome.  It stitched through 2 pieces of thick straps and Velcro without a single flinch.

X stitch

This morning I finished it up by adding a leash-like handle and it stitched through two straps, a piece of Velcro, and two more straps!  Amazing.


So here is the finished product.  I actually ended up giving the belt a second set of stitching to smooth out the inner seam (see the bulges?) but I forgot to take a photo of it.

gait beltIt’s basically a belt that goes around a 2-year-old, closes in the back with Velcro, and has a looped strap that allows his parents to provide him support without having to bend down too far.  He’s a little wobbly and this will allow him to walk with his caretaker giving him a little extra stability.  Once he gets stronger, I suppose they can also use it as a leash the next time they go to an amusement park.  Haha.


Here’s the belt (and our little dude) in action.  Yay!