Eatin’, Walkin’, and Almost Talkin’
It was date night for Jack’s parents so I went over to hang out with him. Now that he can walk and understands so much more, he’s getting easier to babysit. He played with his toys and even did a big “Ta Da!” for me from behind the curtains (sorry the photo is so blurry).
We went through the usual going-to-bed routine but he put up a little bit of fight today. He was obviously pooped out but seemed to need a little company too. Plan A is to leave the room and allow him to fall asleep on his own so that’s what I did. After about 15 minutes of whining and eventually screaming, I decided to go back in his room for Plan B. I laid him back down (he was standing in the crib), patted his back for a couple seconds, and stood over the crib as he settled down. Every couple minutes he would look up to make sure I was still standing there and then turn back over to sleep. It was quite cute. It didn’t take long for him to finally fall asleep and I was able to leave the room without a peep out of him. What a funny little dude. It’ll be interesting once he starts talking.
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