Browse Day: January 20, 2009

Numb and Late


Today marks an historic day for us but I feel like I missed the party.  There were a ton of parties and gatherings today as if it was another national holiday.  Everyone around me was giddy with excitement for the inauguration of the 44th President of the United States and I had to go to work.  Don’t get me wrong, I know that plenty of people went to work today but they also sat at their computers watching it all happen live.  For me, the day came and went and the only part I saw all day was about 5 minutes of the parade as I was in an isolation room.  It was kinda hard to appreciate what was going on with a mask, gown, and booties on as I was on my hands and knees with a baby.

I came home this afternoon feeling a little numb and melancholy.  I’m not sure why.  The only thing I could think of was a similar feeling that I had on the fateful day of the 9/11.  I was working at Rancho as an intern and pretty much isolated from all the news coverage and emotion.  It wasn’t until I got home that I was able to actually able to take in what had happened that day.  So, today I had the same funny feeling.

I’m a person who appreciates tradition and ceremonial events and I couldn’t help get choked up during Bush’s final address last Friday and was inspired by all the pomp and circumstance of today’s events.  One of my favorite traditions is how the outgoing president leaves a confidential letter to the incoming president on the desk of the oval office.  It was in a manila envelope with a small post-it note with the number “44” written on it.  That’s cool.


And so we have a new president.  I’m ok with it.  I just hope that it will satisfy my SF neighbors and co-workers for a while.  Congratulations, President Obama.  You have a lot of work to do.

Making the Reverse Move


A year and a half ago, we moved from Irvine to SF.  In a couple weeks, Rob and Kel will be moving from the Bay Area to Irvine.  Go figure.  After 8 years, they’ve decided to say goodbye to a life of fog, bridges, and BART and hello to life of sun, look-alike houses, and plenty of driving…and they’re looking forward to it!!!  I’m very excited for them and there’s a part of me that’s envious of their new life.  There are lots of things I miss about living in Irvine and Southern CA in general.


So, on Sunday afternoon, we had a BBQ for them at Jimmy and Eleen’s, which was filled with Hawaiian food and doggies.  Jesse almost burnt down the grill but all the food was pretty yummy.  Thanks to Susie for all the marinated meat!!  J&E’s house was also recently renovated so we finally got to check it all out.  It was fun to hang out with friends and I think Koa had just as much fun socializing with Boudin, Mika, Diesel, Brando, and of course Smush.

Have a great time in Irvine, Little Masayas!  We’ll miss you!!  I’ve updated my OC List on Yelp just for you guys!!  Here are photos from the BBQ.