Browse Day: December 23, 2008

Second Slice

We went to House of Prime Rib last night and it was pretty fun.  I had always heard about the place but never went because I always had Lawry’s back home.   Jason loves this place so we made reservations to go.  I swear it was JUST like Lawry’s complete with lots of Asians in the waiting area, a spinning salad, and even creamed corn (off the menu).

However, there were differences that made me wish I was at Lawry’s.  The redeeming part of the night was their “second slice”…so greedy.  At the end of the meal, the server came by and asked if we would like a second slice and a little more of the sides.  So, in just a couple minutes, I had another plate of meat on the table in front of me.  I was a little disappointed with my cut of Medium so I asked for Medium Rare and it was perfect.

Overall, it’s a good place to go if I’m in the mood for prime rib but then again, I could just wait for my next trip down to LA for the real deal.