Browse Day: December 7, 2008

Friendliest Airport

I got to the airport really early this afternoon so I booted up the laptop and discovered that PHX offers free wireless internet!  Woohoo!  They call themselves the Friendliest Airport and this certainly has me agreeing with them.

I also must compliment Southwest Airlines’ new gates complete with workstations with plugs.  My macbook as a broken battery that doesn’t hold more than 5 minutes of charge so this is certainly a lifesaver.  I have a bunch of homework to grade and I’m hoping to get through them all before I board my plane in 2 hours.

Anyway, I learned some new things in my 2-day course this weekend but the best part was just hanging out and catching up with my old friend and co-worker Elaine.  Whenever I hang out with her I miss Irvine.

OK, back to grading papers!