Browse Day: November 28, 2008

Turkey and Pepsi

Thanksgiving was spent in SF this year, which initially bummed me out but ended up being almost as satisfying.  Jes made his annual feast and I always find it endearing when I see Jes sitting in front of the oven spying on his precious turkey.

We had the Masayas over this year and they came with Smush and Diesel.  Koa had a good time having company around and being able to enjoy the bounty of treats that were handed out that evening.  One thing that I couldn’t get over was how Diesel looked so much like Pepsi.  The most familiar to me was his black head and little splotch of white on top.  He was just as cuddly but since he’s an indoor dog, he didn’t have that distinct stinkiness that Pepsi had.  I guess that’s a good thing.  Rob and Kelly take very good care of him.  It just made me miss all my doggies who have now passed.