What a good boy.
Last night I babysat Jack and he was quite the entertainer. When I arrived, he was a little whiny as if he knew that his parents were about to leave. Fortunately for me, he quickly forgot about them once they left. We read books, he played the piano for me, he pushed his wagon around the house, and he also showed me how he likes to harass the cats. It was all very cute.
By 8 pm, he walked over to the baby gate in front of his room and seemed to signal that he wanted to go inside. I guess it was time for bed. I grabbed his warmed bottle and we sat down for “Goodnight Moon”. Then I plopped him into his crib and he turned on his sleeping music. I tucked him into his sleeping sack and gave him his bottle. Just as Ryan said, he downed the bottle in just a couple minutes and gave me his sleepy eyes. I gave him his horsie blankie, said “goodnight”, and turned off the light. He immediately whined loudly and tried to stand up at the rail but he quickly began talking to himself and mouthing his blanket for the next couple minutes. Soon enough he was out like a light and the rest of the evening was a piece of cake. Perhaps he knew that it was his mommy’s birthday and had to be on his best behavior or maybe he’s just a good boy. I’ll never know but at least he was an angel that night that I was in charge.
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