Boy, I’m pooped…and cross-eyed from staring at the computer screen for the past 5 hours grading papers. Every Wednesday, my students submit paperwork to me via a “Digital Dropbox” where I can download their work. I then go through and make revisions and make comments in the Word Document while “Tracking Changes”. It’s a great system but I wonder if it would be to my benefit to actually do it on hard copies. I’m not sure I was built to stare at text on a screen for so long.
We’re mid-way through the semester now and the workload has certainly picked up. Tonight, I only got through 2 out of 5 sets of paperwork so that means I have another 7-8 more hours to look forward to this week. Yip. ee. Each week, the students have to not only turn in their assignment for the current week but they’re also continuing to work on the revisions that I suggested in the past weeks. We have to go through several revisions before I can feel comfortable signing my name on them. It’s pretty tedious but I remember that being the best way I learned back in grad school. They’ve all be very receptive to the feedback and their patient documentation (and treatment sessions) have really improved over the past 3 weeks.
Teaching is fun but the paperwork sucks.
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