Browse Day: September 8, 2008


This morning I got word that the lead instructor of my class had a death in the family and that she would be out for a week.  I called the Director of the OT program and she said that class was still being held but that they would have to figure out who was going to teach it.  I attended the class as expected and met the other two assistant instructors.  One assistant gave the first hour of lecture, then I co-taught the next two hours, and then they asked me to give the last hour of lecture!!  The students already had notes to go off of so all I had to do was talk and elaborate on the bullet points.  Luckily this is a clinical/practical class and the topic I talked about was about stuff that I can pretty much do in my sleep so it was pretty easy…and a lot of fun!  I wasn’t nervous and I said “um” only twice.  So, I have officially had my first lecture as a Graduate School Assistant Professor.  AWESOME.