Browse Day: August 6, 2008


I’ve always had a love-hate relationship with my hair.  Yeah, it’s long, straight, and smooth but it’s also slippery, heavy when it’s long, doesn’t hold a curl, and ends up looking the same by the end of the day – in a ponytail.

So, I made an appointment for a haircut and thought I’d give it a try once more.  I had a weenie haircut back in February where I got some layers in the front but it wasn’t drastic enough.  I still didn’t really need a blow dryer and it ended up in a ponytail once again.  As I walked out of work today, a good friend said to me, “Happy Haircut!!  Be brave!!” and I was inspired.  As a result, I cut off 5 more inches, got more layers, and actual bangs!!  I had bangs all through childhood, high school, and my first two years of college but this time it was going to be different! I didn’t wait 13 years for the classic straight-across-all-one-length cut again.

As the stylist snipped away, my head felt lighter instantly.  She taught me how to use a brush and blowdryer and recommended using some product in my hair for volume.  My low-maintenance mornings just got a little trickier.  I tried to pull it back into a ponytail just now and it’s gonna be tough.  I’m going to need some strong rubberbands and lots of hairclips for work tomorrow…but I still like it.  It’s a welcome change and totally worth the trouble…at least for now.