Therapeutic Jazz and Beer
My man-friend doesn’t like outings. He’d rather sit at home in his PJs playing video games. He usually grumbles when he has to go outside and mingle with the public. Today’s outing to the Fillmore Jazz Festival seemed to go better than usual so I thought I’d document his progress in a SOAP note.
(KEY: S=subjective, O=objective, A=assessment, P=plan)
S: Patient arrived by bus with cash and an empty stomach. He reported that he had skipped a day of playing WoW to attend the festival.
O: Patient fully participated in all festival activities with minimal encouragement. Stood for 30 minutes to watch Kim Nalley with smile on face and clapped for performances spontaneously. Sat for 30 minutes to watch Jazz Quartet featuring dude playing xylophone with smile on face. Stood for another 20 minutes to watch a band play as a man sang some old R&B tunes. Perused booths filled with candles, handbags, jewelry, photographs, paintings, and other random wares. Drank a total of three 24-oz. cups of Sierra Nevada and two cans of Coors Light. Walked a total 1.2 miles with breaks for toileting x4. Patient ate whole hot link with grilled onions and brown mustard, 3 lumpias, and 4 bites of jambalaya with chicken. Self-fed with fingers and spoon independently. Patient reported “buzzed” feeling and slight headache during ride home.
A: Patient appeared to enjoy afternoon at Jazz Festival. Tolerated crowd well with no complaints of fatigue or annoyance.
P: Continue with outings 1x/week. Consider bringing Coors Light on non-preferred outings.
I had a great time too. The festival was well-organized with plenty to do, see, and eat. The best part was the open-drinking that was allowed along the street. The bus rides weren’t bad either.
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