My Monday started out kinda slow. I had a hard time getting up and then had to wait a really long time for my train. When I arrived at work, I realized that I didn’t have my lunch bag. On one of the rare occasions that I actually pack a lunch, I manage to leave my bag on the train. Boo…. So someone in SF had an awesome chicken and rice lunch along with half a PB&J sammich, 3 Balance Bars, and a yogurt. *grr* He or she also scored an awesome neoprene lunch bag and StainSaver container.
As if my day couldn’t get any worse, my 11:15 patient came in and was quite a handful. He’s a 9-year-old who was exposed to drugs in utero, which has resulted in erratic behaviors and short bursts of calmness and aggression. Well, during one of his moments of calmness, he decided to explode in aggression while I wasn’t looking. He clawed me in the neck and dug his nails into my right arm. I shrugged it off for the remainder of the session but when it was over, I looked in the mirror to find my neck covered in red lines along with a bleeding mark where he broke the skin. I also had a large bruise on my upper right arm with 2 more bleeding marks.
Wow, I got a real beating today. I was ready to just clean up the wounds and put some bandaids on but I had to go to Employee Health to fill out some forms and get checked out. So, now I have a large bandage on my arm, a new bottle of ibuprofen, and an ice pack for the bruise. I must have unconsciously known something was going to happen today because for some random reason I decided to take some band-aids to work to keep in my desk this morning.  My Hello Kitty band-aids sure did come in handy today! AND it’s time for me to buy a new lunch bag.
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