Jesse’s been working late for the past 3 weeks and on Saturday, he had to go into the office for the day. So, I spent the day exploring and shopping.
In the morning, I took my first Pilates class. It’s walking distance from my place but I took the bus to save a little time. It pretty much kicked my ass but it was actually pretty fun. There were only 4 in the class (including me) and the instructor is cool. The studio is downstairs from the loft that she lives in so we were technically in her livingroom…interesting. So, for 5 bucks, I got an hour of crazy core strengthening, which I desperately need to keep my back in healthy.

Afterwards, I walked over to Market St., hopped on Muni and got off at Embarcadero for a lunchtime stroll through the Ferry Plaza and Farmers’ Market. I got some really tasty cherries that I hand picked from the pile (so they’re ALL to my liking), a huge bunch of beautiful white flowers, two yummy peaches, and breakfast. I brought my backpack and rigged it so that I didn’t need to carry anything home in my hands. They were all neatly packed, strapped, or hung from my bag. So masterful I am…check it out!

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