Browse Month: May 2008

Hangin’ with the Cousins


Pish and Debbie flew up with Katie this weekend so Jes and I met up with them at Ishya and Billy’s house for a little BBQ. It was great to see everyone again and Katie is walking, signing, and eating solids. Wow, time really flies. She was getting over a cold so there was a little more grumpiness this time around but I managed to get a smile or two out of her. The food was great and it was nice to catch up with my uncle and auntie too.

Here are photos of the afternoon.

growing so quickly



I just talked to Marie the other night and as we got caught up, she emailed me some photos of Cole and Brandon. My little buddy Cole is such a big boy doing big boy things now while little Brandon is going through his milestones like clockwork. I’ll be in Orange County in a couple of weeks and can’t wait to just hang out with Marie and the boys just like old times. I miss you guys!!

He’s back!

This guy used to sit at MacArthur BART Station everyday and sold handmade beanies. He taught himself to crochet and makes enough to pay for rent and take weekends off. He even gives discounts to people who can’t afford to pay $10 for a hat. Well, I noticed a couple months ago that he suddenly disappeared. It was kinda weird since he had always been there ever since I started working at Children’s last summer. But then, this afternoon as I got off the shuttle, he was in his usual spot! Beanie Man is back. Nice to see ya again!

Sunday Meatloaf

Last night we had our Sunday Whitey Supper and it was Ryan’s turn to cook. So, we had meatloaf!! He also made mashed sweet potato, cooked spinach, and white bread with butter. The dinner was topped off with some Strawberry White Zinfandel. Awesome. Jack also joined us at the table with wooden spoon in hand and a hearty appetite.


He’s growing so fast and the Yankees hat that I bought for him in NYC was a perfect fit with a little room to grow.  And look at those chubby thighs!!  Makes me want to eat them!

I took some photos of the evening. Enjoy!

I bought a CD.


Our old college friend (and Jes’ old roommate) has made it! He’s officially a rockstar. He’s in a band named Everest and they released their first album called “Ghost Notes”. They also appeared on Late Night with Conan O’Brien on Friday night! You can watch the video here. Click on “Act 5” at the bottom and wait for the little commercial to finish. It was so surreal seeing our buddy on TV.

Anyway, Joel is the scruffy blonde on the left. He’s wearing his favorite jacket with the elbow patches and he’s jammin’ in his own bouncy, rockin’ way as usual. The lead singer was unrecognizable on the show since the last time we hung out with them at the Bridge School Benefit, he was sportin’ a HUGE beard and stash. I didn’t realize there was a young decent-looking guy under all that hair.

In support of our dear friend, as we were having dinner with The Bangs and Sokol-Juns last night, we went online and each ordered a copy of their CD. I don’t remember the last time I bought a CD but this one was worth forkin’ over 11 bucks…and they’re actually pretty good! Yay Joel!!

Breakfast of Champions


This morning around 7:30 am, I was awoken but the sounds of screaming and whistles. We slept with the windows open last night so we were able to hear the emerging crowd of drunk pirates, drunk bees, and drunk crayons. Yep, it’s the morning of Bay to Breakers, which is a 12K “run” that give everyone in the Bay Area an excuse to dress up and drink beer in the streets for 7.46 miles. The weird part of this is that we don’t actually live along the race route. But when Koa and I went for our morning walk, there was a long stretch of costumed people with drinks in their hands walking down our street. I think they came from CalTrain and making their way up to Howard St.

dsc_3633a.jpgSo, I decided to take a walk down to the Start Line to watch the party. With camera in hand, I saw girls in skimpy outfits, a couple dudes with nothing on, and makeshift beer floats. I also noticed a group of opportunists – quite a few elderly Chinese men and women with garbage bags in their hands picking up all the aluminum cans that the participants were leaving behind. They must have made a killing today.

It’s a pretty interesting “race” to watch with most participants not even running. I’ve done it before and you really can’t count on a personal record or anything. In fact, there was a group of people carrying signs like “runners probably eat babies” and “running is a gateway drug” just to give you an idea of how this is more of a party/parade than an actual sporting event. But alas, there are many who are determined to run past the drunks. It’s as if the street is for the drunks and the sidewalks are for the hardcore runners. It’s quite a sight to see.


Some of my favorite costumes/groups: a bunch of guys dressed in all white with red bandanas chased by a shopping cart dressed as a bull, a group of people dressed as Tetris pieces, and a girl dressed as a cookie being chased by a guy dressed as Cookie Monster.