Browse Month: April 2008

Zip it up!


I took a second sewing class today that involved sewing a zipper and ending up with a nifty bag for toiletries or whatever else you want to store. This project was much more complicated than the pillow I made last week but was still very do-able.


I chose three different fabrics (red, dots, and corduroy), used interfacing to give the fabric some stiffness, made a handle, made an inner liner (still needs to be handsewn later), and used some contrasting thread for my top stitching detail. I tried to find a “snazzy” fabric combination so that I could give it to Brother but this may not be what he had in mind. It was the best combination that I was comfortable with. Everything else was either a solid color or had a flower print on it. I guess I may have to keep this one for myself…that is unless you still want it, Brother.


Snapfish is having a photo contest and I submitted two photos of Koa.

Click on each of the photos and give it a rating of 5 stars.  Voting ends on Sunday, April 13th.  Tell your friends! 🙂


This one is under the category of “best friends”.


This one is under the category of “baby pets”.

Sunday Supper


Sunday evenings are probably my least favorite part of the week. The anticipation of having to go back to work on Monday is not a fun experience. Luckily, we’ve been able to distract ourselves by cooking a big supper with friends just about every other week. So far, we’ve been into a very “whitey” theme. It was pot roast one night, then corned beef and cabbage, and now beef stew tonight. It’s sort of a challenge that we have going with Ryan and Michelle to see who can “out-white” the other. I’m looking forward to the possibility of meatloaf or chicken pot pie one of these Sundays. Yum yum!

Anyway, this evening, we went over to the Sokol-Juns a little earlier than usual so that Jes could make a big fat mess in their kitchen instead of ours. That was a total win on our part. Ryan also made his first attempt at a chocolate and peanut butter soufflé, which I enjoyed. Meanwhile, Jack got to eat his oatmeal with molasses and got some of our mashed potato at the dinner table. He’s such a funny little guy who LOVES to eat already at just 5 months of age. He’s probably the happiest and most enthusiastic when there’s food coming at him. It was a lot of fun to watch a normal kid learning to eat. I need to to videotape him one of these days to use as a training video for the parents I work with.

Social Saturday

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On Saturday, I felt like I was part of a social buffet. In the early afternoon, we went to the Sokol-Juns for some BBQ/Pre-Game hanging out. I got to play with Mr. Jack while the Bangs did some laundry.

Right afterwards, I walked over to Pete’s to watch a very depressing UCLA game with the Masayas. At least I was in good company while I watched the Briuns get spanked by the Tigers. *sigh*



After a good 2-hour nap, I was off to Medjool for Old Man Chu’s 30th Birthday Party complete with a lounge area upstairs, plenty of food to go around, never-ending drinks, and an awesome-tasting birthday cake. Ishya did a great job with planning the event and it was great to finally get to hang out and catch up with the cousins again.

We dodged the bullet.

With the unfortunate news of both Aloha and ATA filing bankruptcy within a week of each other, it made me think how lucky we are to have gone with Hawaiian. On top of that, I checked the fares for our same exact flight this morning and the price has almost tripled! Phew…I’ll just have to cross my fingers that these guys don’t go kaput too.

Bivalves Rock



Only recently did I learn how to eat bivalves (a.k.a. clams, oysters, and mussels). I went to Hog Island with some friends a couple years ago and have loved raw oysters ever since. Jes and I go out to eat every Wednesday night and we decided to try their small oyster bar/restaurant at The Ferry Building tonight. It was so much fun and the food was very yummy. I still can’t believe that I can eat bivalves. I feel ALL growns-up!