Browse Day: April 6, 2008

Sunday Supper


Sunday evenings are probably my least favorite part of the week. The anticipation of having to go back to work on Monday is not a fun experience. Luckily, we’ve been able to distract ourselves by cooking a big supper with friends just about every other week. So far, we’ve been into a very “whitey” theme. It was pot roast one night, then corned beef and cabbage, and now beef stew tonight. It’s sort of a challenge that we have going with Ryan and Michelle to see who can “out-white” the other. I’m looking forward to the possibility of meatloaf or chicken pot pie one of these Sundays. Yum yum!

Anyway, this evening, we went over to the Sokol-Juns a little earlier than usual so that Jes could make a big fat mess in their kitchen instead of ours. That was a total win on our part. Ryan also made his first attempt at a chocolate and peanut butter soufflé, which I enjoyed. Meanwhile, Jack got to eat his oatmeal with molasses and got some of our mashed potato at the dinner table. He’s such a funny little guy who LOVES to eat already at just 5 months of age. He’s probably the happiest and most enthusiastic when there’s food coming at him. It was a lot of fun to watch a normal kid learning to eat. I need to to videotape him one of these days to use as a training video for the parents I work with.

Social Saturday

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On Saturday, I felt like I was part of a social buffet. In the early afternoon, we went to the Sokol-Juns for some BBQ/Pre-Game hanging out. I got to play with Mr. Jack while the Bangs did some laundry.

Right afterwards, I walked over to Pete’s to watch a very depressing UCLA game with the Masayas. At least I was in good company while I watched the Briuns get spanked by the Tigers. *sigh*



After a good 2-hour nap, I was off to Medjool for Old Man Chu’s 30th Birthday Party complete with a lounge area upstairs, plenty of food to go around, never-ending drinks, and an awesome-tasting birthday cake. Ishya did a great job with planning the event and it was great to finally get to hang out and catch up with the cousins again.