Browse Month: March 2008

It’s way too early.


The time change is killing me. It kills me every year. I have a hard enough time getting up in the morning as it is.  So when the country forces us to “Spring Forward”, I am NOT a happy camper.


To make matters worse, my commute to work has become increasingly frustrating. I don’t understand what’s going on but Muni has been suckin’ and I never seem to catch the hospital shuttle at the right time. In fact, today I left my house earlier than usual in hopes of having some extra time to prepare for my day but it do me any good since my usual 45-minute commute took me a whole 60 minutes with hardly any time to sip my coffee and inhale my Balance Bar. It was an emergency breakfast day instead of my usual warm bowl of oatmeal with raisins and brown sugar. Anyway, it’s about 10-something right now and I’m going to bed. Maybe tomorrow will be better.

A Celebration of Life


Saturday was a day of sadness and also a celebration of life.  We had the memorial service and burial for Jes’ grandmother who passed away on Tuesday at the age of 97.  During the service, we listened to the eldest uncle talk about her life as a mother and teacher in China and then in the Philippines.  Jason also gave a very touching “memory of my grandmother” eulogy.  Jes helped out as a pallbearer and “A-ma” was laid to rest on a very beautiful afternoon.

Sushi Time




On Friday night, Jes and I stopped in Santa Monica for some sushi with Brother and Joy.  We took them to U-Zen, an old favorite of ours when we lived in West LA.  We sat at the bar with Chef Masa and went omakase-style.  It turned out to be quite an adventure since we tasted a surprisingly tender clam, yummy salmon toro, a smooth yet chewy cuttlefish, fishy-tasting sardines, and a very “creamy” and almost not swallowable cod melt, which Chef called “monkey brains”.  And of course there was beer and lots of glass clinking with Chef.  Overall, it was a lot of fun catching up with the brother and having a really good sushi dinner.

baby timer


Michelle called me the other day and offered to take me along on her Target run.  It was a nice little outing but definitely much shorter than I would normal stay.  Since we had Jack in tow, we were shopping on his time schedule.  Fortunately, we made it all the way around the store just as he was starting to get grumpy.  Shopping on baby time can be challenging but it can also be loads of fun.

Together Again


Last night, we received a very sad phone call.  Jes’ paternal grandmother passed away yesterday morning.   Jes’ paternal grandfather passed away in 2002 and things hadn’t been the same with her since his passing.  In their nineties, they had been together for decades and now they are together once again.  We’ll be driving down on Friday afternoon for the memorial service this weekend.

Around the House

I thought I’d share some photos of stuff that’s going on in my home.


I made some Khao Thom Gai, which literally translates into “Chicken Boiled Rice”, on Saturday morning. It’s one of my favorite homemade dishes and I think it tasted pretty close to how my mom makes it. I made the broth from scratch, poured it over some cooked rice, and topped it with some salty preserved cabbage, fresh cilantro leaves and homemade fried garlic oil to give it an authentic flavor. Yum. The photo above also features one of the three small square dishes that Holly bought for me…so cute.


I also bought a garden bunch of purple tulips at Costco on Thursday, which have started to open this weekend. Since Spring is just around the corner, I thought I’d freshen up our home with some color.