Browse Day: February 27, 2008

green noises

On Monday, we tried to reserve a zipcar but none were available next door so the next best choice was a Prius just around the corner. I thought it would be fun to try out a hybrid but it turned out to be a little awkward. It uses a little rectangular pseudo-key that inserts into a little slot and has a START button. Once you push the button, nothing happens…at least not for a few seconds when you finally hear something that sorta sounds like an engine. When you drive the car, it’s soooo quiet. But then it makes random sounds like a light honk, a squeak that sounds like a little mouse is in the trunk, and another strange creaking sound. The engine stays on for only a few seconds at a time and it’s a takes a little getting used to when you’re idling at a red light and the engine turns off. It’s hard not to think that the car has turned off or has broken down. I’d say that it’s really an ideal car for driving around in SF since it doesn’t have much power when you accelerate and feels kinda unstable at 40 mph.

Anyway, now I can say that I have had a true experience with “going green”. Not only are we participating in car sharing but we’re sharing a stinkin’ hybrid. All I need now is a composter in my kitchen and a solar-powered TV! I hate myself.