Browse Day: February 23, 2008

Higher Maintenance

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On Thursday evening, I got my first grown up haircut. Although I was perfectly happy with my usual low-maintenance-Plain-Jane-Supercuts hair, I was itching to get something that I could actually style if I really wanted to. So, Susie referred me to a place down the street and made an appointment. I got one of the rookies but I thought she did rather well AND my cut was only $55 instead of $85. She cut off about 5 inches, cut some “seamless” layers for texture, and made some almost-bangs for me.  My hair looked better in the chair before I walked home in the rain so the “after” photo doesn’t really do it justice.

So far it’s been easy to manage and it’s long enough for me to tie back for work. It even passed the puke-avoidance test on Friday when I had it in a ponytail. Excellent. Now if only I can only get my hands on a blowdryer and learn how to use it.

Just like new…

My macbook got a little upgrade this past week. I was limited to only 60 gigs before, which made it difficult for me to work with so many photo files each week. I now have a 250-gig hard drive to play with and it’s so liberating. My admin also installed Leopard, which has some pretty neat features. I spent my rainy Saturday afternoon reinstalling my applications and getting it back to working order. I also got to clean up my files a bit, back-up some older files on the server, and spiffed it up with some new icons.

Oh yeah, and if you haven’t noticed, I changed my theme last weekend. I thought it was time for a new color scheme and some purty cherry blossoms. It’s almost spring, y’know.