Browse Month: January 2008

I Love Friday Nights.


Ah…it’s Friday and I’m lovin’ it. I’ve said this time and time again and I’ll say it again. Friday evening is my favorite-est time of the week. What’s even better is a Friday with a a 3-day weekend following it. And whaddayaknow, today is one of those Fridays. Yes!

Anyway, I was sipping my hot chocolate and admiring one of my favorite cups…my “Loner Monkey Cup”. I call him a loner because I have another mug that has a bunch animals on it, which I’ve named the “Friends Cup”. They both hold my morning coffee and evening hot chocolate quite well and keep me smilin’.

Gone Fishin’



This morning on our usual walk, I noticed that there was an ENORMOUS storm of seagulls swarming around the harbor. I thought that maybe I just hadn’t noticed them before and moved on. This evening, as I was walking Koa, I heard a sea lion barking in the harbor. I thought, “Hm…there’s something fishy going on here.” Being the curious creature that I am, I walked over to the pier to find a small boat making circles by the ballpark. One of the harbor security dudes was on his bike hanging out by the edge so I asked him what was going on. He said that they were fishing for herring and so were the sea lions. He also said that the seagulls like to eat the fish eggs that are typically laid on the side of the pier. OHHHHH! How cool! He even took out his trusty flashlight and tried to show me where the eggs were. Neat-o! I guess it’s herring season from now until February and it sounded like the fishin’ was good so far.

Lesson of the Day: It pays off to ask questions. You could learn something new.

Let the season begin!


Today was my first day back on the slopes and it was oh so wonderful! We took a day trip to Sugar Bowl, which is conveniently located right off I-80 and has plenty of runs to explore. There was a light snow shower in the morning, which helped soften the terrain and made for a fun day in the snow. Since Baby Jack was at Grandma’s House today, both Ryan and Michelle were able to join me and The Bangs. We arrived at 8:45 and were on our first run by 9:30.  It continued to snow through the morning but without any wind, it was pretty nice.  The sun came out by lunchtime so we got a little of both.  My ski legs were toasty by the end of the day but I managed to follow the boys through the trees on our last run. The snow storm from last week really got the season kicked off well and I hope that Mother Nature keeps the white stuff coming.

Here are photos from today.

HH and Shwag


Last night, we went to happy hour to celebrate Susie’s birthday. It was a little surprise get-together for her and it was a wild Monday night for all of us. The birthday girl had lots to drink and I had my share along with very little to eat…bad combo.


Afterwards, we stumbled over to a friend’s workplace for a little beer and shwag. I can’t say which office we went to but I got plenty of goodies to represent. Let’s just say that it rhymes with Help and I give it 4 out of 5 stars. It was like sneaking into someone’s house and eating their food. As Susie tried to recover from her many birthday drinks, we got a bunch of re-colored items. I can’t wait to wear my new tanktop with the bandana, sunscreen, and lip balm while taking swigs from my shot glass. Muhahaha. By the way, that’s Jes sporting his new bandana and drinking beer from a bowl. The office is small but they are set-up with a kitchen filled with snacks and a keg on tap. Looks like a fun place to work.

One more thing, contact me if you want to see photos. To spare us all from the embarrassing photos, the album will be shared upon request. 🙂

Super Duper Babysitter is back…

…with her sidekick, Koa!

Content Jack

Jack posing with his new frog pal (only $1 at Target!)

Angry/Tired Jack

Sidekick Koa keeping his eye on Little Dude

On Sunday evening, I babysat Jack while his parents went to a wedding. He was a little fussy but it was fine. In fact, within 4 hours, he managed to take 2 1/2 naps, pooped twice, and finished a bottle of Mommy Juice. Koa also helped out with his super hearing. Jack slept in the bedroom and as soon as he started to wimper or cry, Koa would run to the door to check out the scene. Good work, Sidekick!

Check out some of our other babysitting adventures here and here.

Crap x10

Jes is away for a couple days so it’s just me and the dawg this weekend. I just finished the longest week EVER so when I came home, I threw some laundry in the machine, put on my PJs, and turned on some bad TV. Friday nights are my favorite part of the week because I get to just relax, waste time, stay up late, and get stuff done (if I want to). AND I still have two more days left!!

10 crappy things that happened to me this week:

  1. I had to work on NYE
  2. I had to work on New Year’s Day.
  3. It was too cold and far away to watch the NYE fireworks.
  4. The BART ticket vendors gave me a hard time for no reason.
  5. I had to walk the dog in Hurricane winds and rain.
  6. My BART train was delayed both ways in one day totaling a 3-hour commute.
  7. Coffee spilled INSIDE my backpack and all over my jacket. Don’t ask how that happened.
  8. Dropped my brand new Crackberry on the sidewalk and now it has a gigantic scuff on the front.
  9. I had 3 kids throw up on me in one day.
  10. They ran out of oatmeal at the cafeteria this morning so I had to starve until lunch.

Thank goodness for weekends.