Browse Day: January 16, 2008

Gone Fishin’



This morning on our usual walk, I noticed that there was an ENORMOUS storm of seagulls swarming around the harbor. I thought that maybe I just hadn’t noticed them before and moved on. This evening, as I was walking Koa, I heard a sea lion barking in the harbor. I thought, “Hm…there’s something fishy going on here.” Being the curious creature that I am, I walked over to the pier to find a small boat making circles by the ballpark. One of the harbor security dudes was on his bike hanging out by the edge so I asked him what was going on. He said that they were fishing for herring and so were the sea lions. He also said that the seagulls like to eat the fish eggs that are typically laid on the side of the pier. OHHHHH! How cool! He even took out his trusty flashlight and tried to show me where the eggs were. Neat-o! I guess it’s herring season from now until February and it sounded like the fishin’ was good so far.

Lesson of the Day: It pays off to ask questions. You could learn something new.