Browse Day: January 4, 2008

Crap x10

Jes is away for a couple days so it’s just me and the dawg this weekend. I just finished the longest week EVER so when I came home, I threw some laundry in the machine, put on my PJs, and turned on some bad TV. Friday nights are my favorite part of the week because I get to just relax, waste time, stay up late, and get stuff done (if I want to). AND I still have two more days left!!

10 crappy things that happened to me this week:

  1. I had to work on NYE
  2. I had to work on New Year’s Day.
  3. It was too cold and far away to watch the NYE fireworks.
  4. The BART ticket vendors gave me a hard time for no reason.
  5. I had to walk the dog in Hurricane winds and rain.
  6. My BART train was delayed both ways in one day totaling a 3-hour commute.
  7. Coffee spilled INSIDE my backpack and all over my jacket. Don’t ask how that happened.
  8. Dropped my brand new Crackberry on the sidewalk and now it has a gigantic scuff on the front.
  9. I had 3 kids throw up on me in one day.
  10. They ran out of oatmeal at the cafeteria this morning so I had to starve until lunch.

Thank goodness for weekends.