Browse Month: December 2007

Not Bummed Out Anymore


After living here for four months with no window coverings, we finally got some blinds installed on Saturday. We face the courtyard and most of the units still don’t have blinds either. There’s a guy that lives across the way from us that still doesn’t have any furniture.  He bums me out everyday. Our kitchens face each other so I have to watch him eat dinner (standing at his kitchen counter) while I wash the dishes. He bums me out more than the gay dudes that bought the roof deck that also faces our unit. So, on Saturday night, as I washed my dishes, I realized that I can now close the windows!!! Goodbye, Dude Without Furniture!!

On Sunday morning, Jes and I picked up our Christmas tree and I got it all gussied up with the brand new ornaments I bought at last year’s Crate & Barrel sale. For some reason, our new home has a lot more room for a tree and we also have a huge window to show it off. So now, instead of having to draw the blinds, the big sparkly tree will also help block my view. Here’s a Christmas tree in your eye, Dude Without Furniture!!

trees and cheetos



We got our Christmas tree today! The Sokol-Juns met up with us and they picked out theirs as well. With December here and the cold air pushing its way through the Bay Area, it certainly feels more like Christmas is just around the corner.


As we were unloading the tree outside in the alley, we found a panicked Susie across the street. She had Smush in his carrier and they needed a ride to the vet. Susie went for a run this morning and came home to find Smush with an empty bag of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos stuck on his head. He had eaten about two handfuls of cheetos and for a 5-pound dog, that’s a lot. I drove them to the vet and we waited a good two hours for them to get Smush to vomit it all up. The vet said he threw up about 4 times and all of the bright red stuff came out. Silly doggie. That’ll learn ‘im.

Koa Sniffs Jack


The Sokol-Juns came over to watch the first half of the UCLA/USC game today. Jack was in his Bruins get-up, which didn’t bring us much luck today.


However, Koa got a good sniffin’ of his new buddy and was just enamored with his poopie diaper. I don’t know why but Koa just looooves sniffin’ babies. He just couldn’t get enough when Ryan let him sniff Jack’s feet, tummy, booty, and head.

Oh yeah, Happy One Month of Life, Jack!

Here are some more photos of Jack.

Happy Baby


Over Thanksgiving Weekend, I met Patty and Johnny’s baby girl, Zoe. She’s about 3 months old now and she’s such a happy baby. It sure does make your heart melt when a baby smiles at you.

Here are some photos I took of her last week.