Browse Day: November 7, 2007


It’s 6:15 am and I’ve been up since 5:45. It’s completely dark outside and I’m wide awake. I was exhausted yesterday from a combination of not sleeping well the night before and having a really long day at work yesterday. So, I ate some dinner, took a hot shower, and jumped into bed at around 7:30 with my laptop and got caught up on my TiVo recordings. It was great. I was asleep by 10:00 and I feel completely rested now.

I forgot how nice it can be to wake up before your alarm goes off and you’re ready to face another day. I not only beat the alarm but also beat the coffee maker and Pasqual, who is usually rambling about the weather and news by the time I get out of bed. I’m usually hitting the snooze button once or twice before dragging myself out of bed and getting on the train in a zombie-like state. I’m going to see if I can keep this up because it’s kinda nice to have some quiet, el relaxo time in the morning. Perhaps I can even start going to the gym in the morning too!! Ok Ok, time to get a hold of myself now…I don’t want to get TOO crazy yet.

Have a great day!! 🙂