Browse Day: October 4, 2007


Been tired all week.  It’s now Thursday night and still haven’t been able to catch up on the Zs.  This weekend I’m taking a Spanish Class for Therapists and it starts tomorrow night after work.  That bums me out.  My favorite day of the week taken up by “Quien es su doctora?” and “Donde esta el dolor?”  I’ve taken 3 years of Spanish but have decided to take this so I can remember who to conjugate stuff again the right way.  Sure, I’ve been getting by so far but I also need to learn how to give kids directions.  I say a lot of things like “My turn.  Now it’s your turn.”  or “You try.”  These are not your average Spanish III phrases.  The next 2.5 days of hanging out in the cafeteria conference room better do me some good cuz I’m tired and could have used this coming weekend.  At least the class is free and only goes from 9-3 on Saturday and Sunday.  Tomorrow night will be painful though…work 9-5 and then class from 6-9?!  That’s brutal.