Browse Day: August 7, 2007

beakatude is online

dsc_7829.jpgMr. Internet came by today to hook us up. We are now connected and I won’t have to go down to the 4th floor lounge. It’s so nice to be back online.

I also ventured out into the city today to run some errands and rode on the T Train for the first time. There’s a stop right across the street from our condo so for $1.50, I hopped on and got off at Powell St., which is right under the Nordstrom! When all was done, I hopped back on with the same pass and rode back home for free.  Apparently you can ride Muni all you want within a 90-minute window. I also found this site called NextBus, which has real-time predictions of when your next train is expected to arrive. Neato.

My parents are driving up with their mini-van filled with our belongings and Koa. On Thursday, the movers are coming with the rest of our things. I can’t wait to sleep in my own bed again. It’s been over a month now and my back is really paying for it.