Browse Month: July 2007

missed again

dsc_7110a.jpgLast night I had dinner at Debbie and Pish’s house and they made tasty carnitas. Thanks, guys! It was nice to hang out with family and to see Katie again. It’s crazy how fast babies grow. I didn’t notice it before when she was still a newborn but when she scowls she reminds me of our grandmother. It’s pretty neat!

Unfortunately for me, I came right between her two naps and only got to hang out with her for a few minutes before she had to go to sleep. This is one of the photos I got of her napping in the swing.  What an awesome life…sleep, eat, poop, sleep some more.



I spent my first day on my own today and it was a little weird but managable.  Last night I set up my Aerobed, put the little TV on a foot stool, and used a spoon from the picnic basket we left behind.  With a lack of pots, an odd set of bowls, and plastic utensils, dinnertime has been interesting.  But so far it hasn’t been too bad…just really temporary-feeling.  The dog also looked a little confused last night but he settled into his travel bed rather quickly.  Jes is now at Jimmy’s house and it’s like he never moved away.  The old roomies are back together again.


We also gave iChat a try and it was pretty cool.  The video is pretty smooth and you can adjust the screen small enough so you can keep working on your laptop.   I can also hear audio from the person on the other end and IM all at the same time.  It was kinda like I was hanging out with Jes, Jimmy, and Eleen.  We were even watching the same TV show and I could hear Jimmy’s comments in the background.  As much as we try to hate Apple, they sure do make a pretty good camera and video program.  By the way, the camera is just to the left of that little light at the top of my laptop screen.  And that’s Jimmy saying “hi”.

See ya in a month.




The movers were here today and they came through like a tornado. It’s amazing how quickly they can get everything wrapped out and thrown into the back of a truck. Over the phone we were quoted $0.41 per pound but when they arrived the head guy started charging by the cubic foot. Hm…pretty shady. So, when it was all totaled up, Jes was not happy with the final charge so he called the main office and insisted that we be charged by the pound. The moving guy tried to play it off like the amount would be the same but Jes insisted that they go have the truck weighed. So, he’s now on his way to a weigh station in Long Beach and I’m at home sitting in my empty livingroom on the floor just trying to let this all sink in.

This is all very surreal. All of my belongings are packed away in some random truck and I won’t be able to access any of it for at least a month. I actually let them take our wedding album and I’m starting regret that. I just hope they don’t lose any of the boxes or damage anything. As they took away our boxes and furniture, I really couldn’t watch them. I put on a brave face but it made me really sad and I was on the verge of tears. It’s really happening. We’re really leaving. Jes is supposed to catch a 7:00 flight this evening but I’m not so sure he’s going to make it.

Update (11:17 pm): We all know that Jes is a pain in the ass but this time it came in handy.  Because he insisted on having the trunk weighed, he managed to save us at least $1000.  He drove all the way to Long Beach and totally called their bluff.  We ended up getting almost exactly what they initially quoted ($900) instead of the final $2000 that the moving guy asked for.  He also got back in time to catch his flight.  We had a happy ending to a very stressful day.