Browse Month: July 2007

T-minus Two Days


This has been a pretty interesting week at work so far. The week started out a little crazy considering half of our furniture was already moved to our new portable. On Monday, I also had my last day working with Dave. I was looking forward to working with him next year but at least we got to hang out for a few days this month. Here are some photos I took during our last week in the old clinic. I’ll certainly miss our little portable.

This is my intern working helping two kids with an obstacle course.

Here are the PTs in action. We definitely need a larger space.

Today is Wednesday. That means I have two days left to finish up all my work. I’ve been staying at work later than usual each day this week printing, organizing, turning stuff in, and making sure that the work I’ve done in the past three years doesn’t fall apart as soon as I leave. On top of that, I still have one or two more reports to write, three IEPs tomorrow, and my student’s final evaluation to complete. On top of THAT, I’ve gotta finish moving to the new portable. The custodians are scheduled to finish moving our equipment and furniture tomorrow morning at 7am. Sheesh.This afternoon, I met with the Director of Special Ed and basically tied up loose ends. They’ve decided to keep me on as a consultant to help with the high profile cases and the transition in general. We haven’t found a replacement for me yet but it’s no longer something I can help with anymore. I’ve done my part to recruit everyone I know and now it’s up to them to find others out there.

This evening, I had dinner with some old co-workers and it was so great to catch up again. I love how we’ve managed to stay in touch after all these years. Elaine gave me a large mug from Starbucks that had a said “ORANGE COUNTY” on it so that I’d always remember her. That was very sweet.

on display


This summer, I entered my first photography competition and it was for the Orange County Fair. I didn’t know it even existed until my instructor mentioned it to me last Fall in my photography class. Apparently, it’s a very popular contest and they receive more and more entries each year. It’s open to all Orange County residents and my photography instructor encouraged me to enter this year’s competition. So, I shot a couple rolls of film a couple months ago and printed one of them in the darkroom. I submitted the photo in June and it got accepted!

On Thusday night, I went to the “Judge’s Walk Through” to learn a little more about what they were looking for and what they liked about the winning photos. Someone said that there were 2100 entries and 1098 were accepted into the show. Not too shabby for my first try! I was just hoping to make it on the wall so I’m pretty happy. They gave out first, second, third, and honorable mention in each division. I didn’t place but it was really neat to have lots of people viewing my work.

The Orange County Fair started last week and my photo is now on display for the “world” to see for three whole weeks! If any of you are going to the fair, go to the Visual Arts Gallery to find my photo hanging in the Black & White section.  The OC Fair ends on August 5th and is closed on Mondays. 

On Saturday, Jes went back to the fair with me to check out all the photos and to see mine amongst the other entries. He said that mine should have won but I think he’s a little biased…just a little. Haha. Afterwards, we stuck around and took in the sights and sounds of the fair. We saw the fair’s largest onion, cows (of course), and lots of interesting people everywhere. As Jes guzzled light beer throughout the evening, I enjoyed a genuine caramel apple with nuts. Sorry, no fried Twinkies or Snicker Bars that night.

Here are photos from the fair. Enjoy!


I got a grip of calls today from various Realtors with clients interested in looking at our house. I had so many that at 11:00 am, I decided to go home and pick up the dog. I didn’t want him to scare away any potential renters while he was stuck in the patio. So, he came to work with me and hung out with us for the rest of the day. With people coming by at 12:30, 3:00, 5:00, and 7:30, I decided to just stay away from the house until the end of the evening.  It was weird to not have anywhere to go after work.  I felt like I should have just brought the Aerobed to work too.

I ended up staying at work until about 4:30 and then met up with Marie and Cole at the Spectrum. The four of us hung out, had dinner, and walked around some more until about 7:30. When I got home, one of the Realtors was outside waiting for her clients who were running late. They finally arrived at 8:00 and seemed nice. It was a young couple who seemed like the athletic type.  They even asked if I was a triathlete because they noticed the magazine that I had on the kitchen counter.  That was kinda neat.  Anyway, I hope we get a bite this week.  That would definitely take one load off our shoulders.  Cross your fingers!

fresh and clean

Say “hello” to version 6.3!  I got off work a little early today and thought I’d explore some new themes.  This is the one I chose and it’s probably my favorite so far.  I’m also working on my new photography page.  Stay tuned!

Manly Kamping


Jes and his Roebling boys went camping in Tahoe this weekend for ManKamp 07.  Ryan, the instigator,  planned the whole thing and brought t-shirts for all once again.  It sounds like the beer was flowing and they were up to no good, as usual.  Jes sent me some photos and it looks like they had a great time.  It’s cool to see that even though 11 years have passed and two of the boys are about to be dads, they still know how to have fun together.



It’s been two weeks since Jes left for SF and the dog and I are adjusting. The dog has made our pile of newsprint as his new daytime hangout spot and my Aerobed is getting a little more comfortable each night. The brother even slept over on Friday night and used my sleeping bag.

On Saturday morning, Johnny went golfing with Kenji while I met with the Realtor. I gave her a tour and set-up the lock box. I also got a “For Lease” sign and we’re listed on MLS. Pretty soon I’ll be having strangers walking through my house while Koa’s stuck in the patio. Boy, I hope it gets rented out soon. We’ll see how long it takes.

Lunch was with the Suminos at Fukada and Johnny’s friend Robin happened to be there too. Afterwards, we stopped at Target and then Johnny took a death nap while I sorted through my things.

Later in the evening, the parents came over and loaded up their van with a bunch of stuff I need to give them. Johnny also loaded up his car with lots of food, spices, and sauces from my kitchen. Koa hung out in the garage with us and also sat in the front seat of each of the cars in our driveway – hoping for a ride to the dog park. He was so well-behaved that I just HAD to take him after everyone left.