It’s my first day in SF and so far it’s been cool. I drove Jes and Jimmy to work this morning and parked at the 5th & Mission lot for $3/hour. I’m sitting at a place called Cafe Infusion that has decent breakfast items, coffee, and free wireless internet!! Woohoo! So I’m hanging out for a bit before I have to pick up Jes for our 11:00 am HOA Orientation at the condo. Jes is still trying to get our loan docs squared away but all the people involved are a bunch of hacks. We’re going to try to sign the papers tomorrow and move in at the end of the week. It’s cutting it close though. We have a camping trip planned for Friday through Sunday.
Everyone has been asking me how it’s going so far and all I can really say is that it’s surreal. Just 24 hours ago I was still in LA. Unfortunately, I left behind a duffel bag filled with my favorite jeans and other assorted clothing items that I’ve been wearing all month. So, this afternoon will be spent shopping for some new jeans and anything else I’m missing. My first day of “vacation” is just fine and dandy.
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