on our way
I’m on my way up to SF now and blogging from my blackberry. Last night we packed our car to the top and Koa got his last walk and visit with Kuma before we left. It’s official. We are out of here! We dropped off Koa an hour ago and said goodbye to my parents. My mom was really sad and so was I. But we have another car’s worth of stuff to haul up so I will see my parents again when they drive it all up with Koa in tow.It’s a big day and I couldn’t help getting a little emotional this morning. I’m just happy that I got to say goodbye to everyone. I even got to give my little brother a big hug this morning on his way to ComicCon.
So that’s it for now. I will miss all of you back home. And I’m excited to see all of you in SF! Let the new adventure begin!
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