Browse Month: July 2007

feeling homeless

dsc_7475.jpgI went into the city today in hopes of signing the loan docs on our new condo in the morning. Unfortunately, the bank was dilly-dallying and so I spent all day just hanging around with nothing to do but wait for a phone call from Jes.

My day of wandering started when I picked up a sandwich and coffee and ate on some random steps in front of a building. Luckily there were other people doing the same so I didn’t totally stand out. Later I roamed around and checked my email at the Apple Store. Once that got old, I walked over to the Ferry Building to check it out. I’d never been there before and was pleasantly surprised at all the cute little shops they had there.

For lunch, I met up with Susie. We had pho and it was tasty. Afterwards, I headed south of Market where I found a cool Cartoon Art Museum on Mission & New Montgomery and strolled that for a little bit. By then, my feet were getting tired so I thought I’d find a good place to set-up camp. I contemplated taking a nap in the park but decided to walk around the Metreon. Luckily, I found the food court where they had free WiFi. Sweet! Ah, a place to sit down. After about an hour, I was getting sleepy and was very tempted to put my head down. I felt like such a bum.

Finally at 3:30, Jes called and said to meet him on 1st St. We went to get some cashier’s checks and then to the title company. We finally signed the papers this afternoon around 4:30 and it felt so good to have it done. If all goes according to plan, we should be picking up our keys on Thursday. Yay!

Afterwards, Jes decided to go back to work so I took the bus home. On my way home, I realized that I didn’t get the house key from Jes. So, here I am, sitting on Jimmy’s front porch, surfing the internet, and waiting for Jes to come home. I can’t wait to have a place of my own.

on edge

I’m such a dummy. I don’t know what’s going on but I’ve been pissing Jesse off left and right these past two days. Yesterday I scratched one of his rims on the car by driving up a small curb and today I put my AC Transit card in the cash slot and lost it. *sigh* So as I sheepishly took my seat, he said to me, “I have enough stress as it is without you giving me more.” The guy behind us in the bus line later came by and said, “My wife did that with me once too.”  Haha.  Unfortunately, that didn’t cheer Jesse up.  Poor guy. He’s been so stressed out with the loan docs getting messed up, talking to the moving company, and worrying about the car that he already sold to a guy in Palms Springs. I’m not much help, am I?

So, I’m on the Transbay bus that picks up in front of Jimmy’s house and taking it to the city. It’s so comfy in here and there’s free WiFi!! Now if only BART would start doing that…



It’s my first day in SF and so far it’s been cool. I drove Jes and Jimmy to work this morning and parked at the 5th & Mission lot for $3/hour. I’m sitting at a place called Cafe Infusion that has decent breakfast items, coffee, and free wireless internet!! Woohoo! So I’m hanging out for a bit before I have to pick up Jes for our 11:00 am HOA Orientation at the condo. Jes is still trying to get our loan docs squared away but all the people involved are a bunch of hacks. We’re going to try to sign the papers tomorrow and move in at the end of the week. It’s cutting it close though. We have a camping trip planned for Friday through Sunday.

Everyone has been asking me how it’s going so far and all I can really say is that it’s surreal. Just 24 hours ago I was still in LA. Unfortunately, I left behind a duffel bag filled with my favorite jeans and other assorted clothing items that I’ve been wearing all month. So, this afternoon will be spent shopping for some new jeans and anything else I’m missing. My first day of “vacation” is just fine and dandy.

on our way


I’m on my way up to SF now and blogging from my blackberry. Last night we packed our car to the top and Koa got his last walk and visit with Kuma before we left. It’s official. We are out of here! We dropped off Koa an hour ago and said goodbye to my parents. My mom was really sad and so was I. But we have another car’s worth of stuff to haul up so I will see my parents again when they drive it all up with Koa in tow.It’s a big day and I couldn’t help getting a little emotional this morning. I’m just happy that I got to say goodbye to everyone. I even got to give my little brother a big hug this morning on his way to ComicCon.

So that’s it for now. I will miss all of you back home. And I’m excited to see all of you in SF! Let the new adventure begin!

celebrations and goodbyes


I finished my last day of work at the preschool today and it was so bittersweet. Since our clinic was up and running, we christened it with a full day of treatments and meetings. We had lots of visitors stopping by to check out the new clinic and they were all very excited for us but also sad to see me go. I even had two teachers in tears when they came by to say goodbye. That was very touching.  I also got a bunch of hugs and goodbyes from my kiddos.  It’s so great to see how they’ve grown these past years.


Today was also the last day for our interns.  My intern worked so hard these past three months and I’m so proud of how far she’s come in her clinical skills.  I still find it kinda funny that I’m actually imparting knowledge to another person now. Geez, I’m getting old.


To celebrate both of their accomplishments, we went out for lunch and exchanged gifts.   Later in the evening, I met up with my colleagues at the local wine bar and they gave me a $75 Target gift card.  How thoughtful!  Well, we had a great school year and I will really miss our monthly lunches and meetings.


So, I am done for now. Jes flies down early tomorrow morning and we’ll be driving up to SF on Sunday. I’m just crossing my fingers for a closing date next week. Let’s hope it all falls into place soon.

all in one day

Today was a marathon moving day at work. Yesterday we packed the remaining items in our clinic in preparation from the moving guys today. At 7 am, I arrived at work and found five big guys from Custodial Services with two trucks ready to help me move. They managed to move every last piece of furniture, equipment, and paper into our new space within a matter of two hours. We spent the remainder of the day unpacking, arranging, and cleaning to have a brand new OT clinic ready and waiting for my last day at IUSD.

Here’s the view from the front door. That’s our fine motor area in the foreground.

We now have TWO mat areas!!

We created a snazzy office space with a window.

I still can’t believe how large the new space is. It’s wide open and has sooo much storage!! It was so nice to have a place for everything with extra space for future supplies and therapists. We also have separate areas for swings and gross motor activities so that two therapists can easily treat simultaneously without getting in the way of each other. I’m so jealous of whoever takes my place this fall but so relieved that it’s done and ready for September.