Browse Day: June 27, 2007

Letting go…

We’re back from our fun-filled weekend in the Bay Area (I will have to recap it later) and we have less than a week to have EVERYTHING packed and ready to go.  This morning, a cleaning crew came to clean the entire house from top to bottom and they did an awesome job.  One of them even took our old bottles of booze that we were planning to throw out.  Score!

This evening, Kenji came to pick up the plasma and we took down all of the frames and drapes to get ready for the painters who are scheduled to come tomorrow.  This move is very sad but little by little I’m accepting the fact that I have to let go.  I guess the part that will make it all real is having the red wall painted over with a nice coat of off-white.  The house was good to us and it was fun while it lasted.

The movers are coming on Sunday to pick up all of our stuff and Jes will be flying up to SF to start his job on Monday.  Next month will certainly be a interesting.  I can just see it now…me in my room in a sleeping bag on the floor with the dog, a suitcase of clothes, and my laptop.