Browse Day: June 5, 2007

Farewell Beigia. Hello Gaysia.

baybridge.jpgWe are moving to San Francisco!! That’s right! Jes interviewed with Jimmy’s company on Wednesday and got an offer on Monday morning. It’s amazing how much can change in less than a week.

So, the husband, dog, and I will be leaving the land of perfectly groomed lawns and 10:00 curfews for a place where rainbow flags wave freely and public transportation is no longer an inconvenience.

Jes will move up first to start his new job at the beginning of July while I stay behind for at least another month to complete the school year (goes until end of July).

Where will we live? In the city…hopefully close to the baseball stadium.

What am I going to do? Sit around and play WoW. Haha. Just kidding. I’m just considering all my career options. Should I jump right into another school-based job? Should I consider a hospital setting? Perhaps I should find something completely different! Anyone need a photographer?!

Am I excited? Yes. Will I miss my family? Of course. Am I nervous? Absolutely. Do I look forward to lots of visitors from Southern California?! You betcha!!