Browse Month: June 2007

Letting go…

We’re back from our fun-filled weekend in the Bay Area (I will have to recap it later) and we have less than a week to have EVERYTHING packed and ready to go.  This morning, a cleaning crew came to clean the entire house from top to bottom and they did an awesome job.  One of them even took our old bottles of booze that we were planning to throw out.  Score!

This evening, Kenji came to pick up the plasma and we took down all of the frames and drapes to get ready for the painters who are scheduled to come tomorrow.  This move is very sad but little by little I’m accepting the fact that I have to let go.  I guess the part that will make it all real is having the red wall painted over with a nice coat of off-white.  The house was good to us and it was fun while it lasted.

The movers are coming on Sunday to pick up all of our stuff and Jes will be flying up to SF to start his job on Monday.  Next month will certainly be a interesting.  I can just see it now…me in my room in a sleeping bag on the floor with the dog, a suitcase of clothes, and my laptop.

Ready for Summer


Thursday was the last day of school and the first day of summer – also known as the longest day of the year. On Friday, Jes and I packed up the car and drove up to SF for the Wine Tasting Weekend that we had planned for months with Johnny and Joy.  The drive up was painful.  We haven’t made the 400-mile journey in the while and have become so accustomed to hopping on Southwest and arriving an hour and a half later.  It was a beautiful day for driving though.  It felt like the sun was never going to set.  At one point around 7:30 pm, we noticed the time and how the sun wasn’t even close to the horizon.  I guess being the day after Summer Solstice had something to do with that.  We finally arrived in SF around 10:00 pm and met up with Vyl, Bang, and some of their Ross friends for some beer and pizza.  I’m so ready for summer.

half gone


On Sunday, we had our Family Fire Sale. We’re moving to a house that doesn’t fit all of our furniture so it was time to give stuff away. After our Father’s Day breakfast, Brother rented the U-Haul and we packed up half of our belongings into the truck.



Brother got a new dresser, bookcase, chair, and futon. The parents got a new dining set and full bed. We also dropped off our entire office set at Jes’ parents’ house. Phew! To top it all off, Marie and Kenji have agreed to take the plasma for an undisclosed bargain price. Awesome.

It was pretty liberating getting rid of our stuff but it was also a little sad. The best thing about moving it all out is that I can now do a cartwheel in the dining room! Haha. But really, it’s just nice to have more room to clean, pack, and reorganize. Hanging out with the family all day was also a special treat and made the move much more memorable and bearable. Thanks for all your help, everyone!!

signing my life away…


This morning we signed the contract for the new condo and will be FedEx’ed to the builder on Monday.  It seems way too easy.  I guess it won’t actually hit me until I have to make our first mortgage payment.  It’s going to be painful.  Hopefully we’ll find someone to rent our place soon.

Packing has been quite a headache but it’s moving along.  Frames are coming down, books are being put in boxes, and piles of “stuff we’re giving away” are accumulating around the house.  I’m going to miss our little birdhouse.  Unfortunately, this birdhouse makes our new place feel like a fish bowl.  Here are photos of the new place.  If all works out, we’ll be moving in in mid-August.

out with the old and almost new


We’re in major clearance mode right now. It’s like Spring Cleaning on crack.  This evening we filled about 5 large trashbags with old clothes and they’re going to Goodwill tomorrow. It’s amazing how much you can accumulate over time.  Some items I kept for sentimental value but others just had to go. There were even some cute shirts that I’ve favored over the years but they just had to go because of frayed seams or they lost their shape over time. Ah…I feel lighter already.

On Sunday, my brother is coming over with a U-Haul. We’ve invited family members to come over to claim anything we aren’t taking up with us. I’ll certainly miss our beloved dining room table and chairs but I’m happy that it’s going to The Magical House.

House Hunt

We’re up in SF this weekend to start our search for housing. It’s crazy how little space you get for so much money. We have a couple of possible places and have decided that we will most likely purchase something. I still think it’s crazy that within less than a week, we’re up in SF looking for a place to live and planning life outside of Irvine. As we walked around, I was scoping out places for Koa to pee and where the closest ATMs were. This is insane.

Oh yeah, we got to see Ryan and Michelle’s newly renovated loft.  Nice job, guys!!  Here are some photos.

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