Browse Day: April 30, 2007

A new family member!


This morning our family gained a new member!  Her name is Katie and she was born at 6:06 am.  She came 3 weeks early and her delivery couldn’t have gone any smoother.  Welcome to the family, Katie!  And congratulations to my cousins, Pish and Debbie.

Here are photos from her first day in the big big world.

What a pain in the foot


The bright spot indicates pain in the 2nd joint. My pain is under the 1st  metatarsophalangeal joint.

I developed a dull arthritic-type ache in the ball of my left foot just under the big toe joint earlier this week.  This weekend it got worse. I tried to run on it this morning and ended up having to turn around after going down the street. I’m able to walk on it but it’s quite painful. So, I started hobbling around like an old lady but now it’s giving me ankle pain because of the way I’m compensating. *sigh* This totally blows. I’ve been training for a half marathon and I’m supposed to run a 5K next weekend.

I looked up the symptoms and I think I’ve figured it out. I have metatarsalgia, which basically means “ball of the foot (metatarsa-) pain (-algia)”.  It looks like it’s caused by all the running I’ve been doing.  Running is a high-impact sport and the big toe usually bears most of the weight and also does the “push-off” phase of my run.  Great…just what I needed. This better be temporary cuz I’ve got a half marathon scheduled on Labor Day!  So, we’ll see if resting this week will do it any good. I’m crossing my fingers.