Dog is Three today
It’s Koa’s 3rd birthday today! Once again, I brought out his super-duper birthday hat and he still hates it. Tee hee! Other than the hat, we didn’t do anything special. Koa spent his birthday lounging around like he usually does and then I took him to the dog park in the evening.
I’d have to say that he’s changed quite a bit over the last three years. He started out as a mischievous puppy that had an insatiable desire to chew something. In his second year, he matured a bit but still got into the trashcans and chewed up some of our belongings. Now after his third year, he’s a calmer, less troublesome dog who responds to commands now. Thank goodness! He’s even given the occasional privilege to stay in the house by himself while we’re gone for dinner.
On the agenda for tomorrow? He’s getting a bath! Muhahaha. He’s been long overdue for one. What better way to start out a new year?!
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