Browse Month: April 2007

A new family member!


This morning our family gained a new member!  Her name is Katie and she was born at 6:06 am.  She came 3 weeks early and her delivery couldn’t have gone any smoother.  Welcome to the family, Katie!  And congratulations to my cousins, Pish and Debbie.

Here are photos from her first day in the big big world.

What a pain in the foot


The bright spot indicates pain in the 2nd joint. My pain is under the 1st  metatarsophalangeal joint.

I developed a dull arthritic-type ache in the ball of my left foot just under the big toe joint earlier this week.  This weekend it got worse. I tried to run on it this morning and ended up having to turn around after going down the street. I’m able to walk on it but it’s quite painful. So, I started hobbling around like an old lady but now it’s giving me ankle pain because of the way I’m compensating. *sigh* This totally blows. I’ve been training for a half marathon and I’m supposed to run a 5K next weekend.

I looked up the symptoms and I think I’ve figured it out. I have metatarsalgia, which basically means “ball of the foot (metatarsa-) pain (-algia)”.  It looks like it’s caused by all the running I’ve been doing.  Running is a high-impact sport and the big toe usually bears most of the weight and also does the “push-off” phase of my run.  Great…just what I needed. This better be temporary cuz I’ve got a half marathon scheduled on Labor Day!  So, we’ll see if resting this week will do it any good. I’m crossing my fingers.

Dog is Three today

dsc_6185.jpgIt’s Koa’s 3rd birthday today! Once again, I brought out his super-duper birthday hat and he still hates it. Tee hee! Other than the hat, we didn’t do anything special. Koa spent his birthday lounging around like he usually does and then I took him to the dog park in the evening.

I’d have to say that he’s changed quite a bit over the last three years. He started out as a mischievous puppy that had an insatiable desire to chew something. In his second year, he matured a bit but still got into the trashcans and chewed up some of our belongings. Now after his third year, he’s a calmer, less troublesome dog who responds to commands now. Thank goodness!  He’s even given the occasional privilege to stay in the house by himself while we’re gone for dinner.

On the agenda for tomorrow? He’s getting a bath! Muhahaha. He’s been long overdue for one. What better way to start out a new year?!

Open House


I’m in my 3rd year at my current job but never attended our annual Open House…until this year. I always avoided events like this for fear of bumping into parents that made my job way too hard. This year is different and I felt comfortable enough to make an appearance. I guess it’s a sign that I’ve managed my cases rather well so far.

It really took me back to the days when I was a 7-year-old taking my parents through my classroom and showing off my work. I remember a great sense of excitement from meeting your friends’ parents and running around your school at night. This Open House was no different. There were kids and parents everywhere with all the classrooms decorated to the nines. I loved walking through the classrooms taking photos of all their artwork.

The Parent Booster Club also coordinated a silent auction that raised $6200 for our school. It’s too bad that $40 of the money raised is mine. I bid on a couple items and won a private golf lesson including video analysis of my swing. It also came with 6 dozens of golf balls. I guess I will be golfing this summer. Anyone want to join me?! I’ll bring the golf balls!

1K richer

Last week, over IM, Ryan asked what we were doing for our anniversary. I thought, “That’s strange. Our anniversary is in November!” I wrote back to him “No plans yet. Why?” He wrote, “That’s when we’re having a baby and paying you $1000.” Sweeeeet.

Some of you know this already but a few years ago, Jes and Ryan made a bet: Whoever has a baby first has to pay the other couple $1000. Michelle and I actually didn’t find out about this bet until two years ago. My first thought was, “That’s a lot of money!” Then my next thought was “Why didn’t you tell me about this?!” I didn’t know whether to be amused or annoyed.

Anyway, the long-running bet has ended and our dear melters will be bringing a child into this crazy world of ours. So what do you get when a frog and bird make a baby? We’ll just have to wait and see. But seriously, I’m so happy and excited for them. This truly is THE year to have a baby. Congratulations You Two!!


Nicole Kidman photographed by Annie Leibovitz

The White Stripes photographed by Annie Leibovitz

Jes and I went to the San Diego Museum of Art today to see the Annie Leibovitz exhibit. I saw ads for it in the New York Subway but it was no longer being shown at the Brooklyn Museum. Luckily, I was surfing the internet last weekend to find that it was in San Diego until today. Score!

For those who are unfamiliar with the name, Annie Leibovitz is most famous for her celebrity portraits featured mostly in Vanity Fair and Rolling Stone. More recently, she photographed the infamous Suri Cruise photos.

lassie.jpgI met her once back in 1995 when I volunteered at one of her Vanity Fair photoshoots. It was a day-long photoshoot that involved photographing one very large group of Hollywood stars from back in the day. I actually met several of them including Eva Gabor, Gene Autry, Milton Berle, and even the 5th generation Lassie. (see photo on the left)  My job that day was to be Robert Young’s assistant.  He was the star of an old tv show called “Father Knows Best“.  My job wasn’t very hard since he was in a wheelchair and practically unaware of what was going on that day.  Another funny thing that happened that day was that I was asked out by one of Annie’s assistants.  Haha.  I don’t know if I ever told anyone this.  To make a long story short, I was way too naive and shy back then and turned him down that afternoon.

Anyway, back to the exhibit… It featured a mixture of celebrity portraits, her photos from Serbia, personal photos, and coverage of the Clinton and Bush administration. The rooms were pretty crowded but we managed to work our way through the gallery. For $10/person and an 80-mile drive it was not a bad way to spend a Sunday morning. What made it even more interesting was walking through the Earth Day festivities including a bunch of hippie propaganda and a Hare Krishna parade. Awesome.

On our way home, we stopped at Joe’s Crab Shack for a crabalicious feast. For $22.95, we got a platter of dungeoness, snow, and king crab. Yum yum. Their clam chowder was creamy and smokey and the fried shrimp was also very tasty. It sure did make driving home a little tougher with food coma and all but it was worth it.