Browse Day: March 30, 2007

Boba Everywhere

I was busy at work this afternoon when I got a call from Marie. She was in the neighborhood and invited me to the local Tapioca Express. Of course I couldn’t resist a boba run so I packed up my stuff and headed down the street.

I ordered the “Spicy Chicken Special” that includes an order of spicy chicken and boba milk tea, which costed 5 bucks. That price doesn’t seem very “special” to me.  I was too lazy to add it up but I bet they only hacked off a couple pennies from the price.  When our number was called, we went to the counter to pick up our drinks. With just 4 or 5 steps away from the counter, I lost my grip and *KAPLOW!* my drink fell on the floor. I don’t know if this has ever happened to you but it’s quite a scene. There in the middle of the cafe was milk tea, ice, and boba everywhere. How embarrassing. Marie and I just stood there so helpless and vulnerable to the stares from the customers waiting in line to order. The guy finally came out and cleaned it up for us but the damage was done.

So, my next question was, “Are they going to make me a new one?” I guess the guy figured that would be the next thing out of my mouth because he looked at me and said “Do you want to order something else? I’ll give you 20% off.” Man! I bet if I was at McDonald’s they’d just make me a new drink. I’ve seen people spill their coffee at the Starbucks and the Barista usually has a new drink for the person before the mopping is done. *sigh* I guess you can’t expect much from a Chinese-owned establishment. All I know is that I made sure to savor my $4.89 boba and sucked up every last squishy ball of goodness.