Browse Day: March 18, 2007

a beer and a victory

dsc_4867a.jpgLast night we went down to San Clemente for St. Patrick’s Day. Patty and Johnny (not the Brother) invited us to OC Tavern, which is owned by their friend. It’s a Sports Bar/Restaurant/Club that serves semi-gourmet bar food and has lots of widescreen plasmas showing sports in HD throughout the entire place. It’s a pretty large space complete with several bars, dining room with plenty of seating, pool tables, and mini concert area for their regular live bands that play there. Overall, it was a pretty cool place to hangout. It’s just too bad that it’s 23 miles south of our house so that means it’s an extra 23 miles south for any of you living in LA. It was, however, a good mid-point meeting place for me and Patty.

In addition to enjoying a couple glasses of beer and bar food, we also watched the last half of the UCLA/Indiana game. It was a close one but we squeaked out a victory and advanced to the Sweet 16. Phew, that was close.

My First Photoshoot

A coule weeks ago, Michelle emailed me to see if I was interested in taking some family portraits for her dad’s 60th birthday. At first I didn’t know what to say since I had never done it before but agreed since it would be good experience and there was no real pressure.

So, yesterday, we all went to the park across from her parents’ house in Fountain Valley and took some shots. It was about 3:00 pm in the afternoon (DST) and there were plenty of trees, rocks, hills, and a lake. It was actually pretty fun but a little challenging trying to keep both Ryan and Michelle’s brother, Eric, in line. It was either Ryan making faces or Eric giving us the “Chandler smile” in every photo. We ended up with a few good shots with good lighting but the deciding factor for whether a photo turned out right was the look on Eric’s face. Were his eyes open? Did he have a squint? Does he look like he’s in pain? It was pretty funny.

Here are some for you to see…


