Browse Day: March 13, 2007

That was hard.

I went to my painting class today unsure of what to bring for my third painting. I was hoping to keep with the tropical theme so Jes suggested that I take the pineapple that we had on the dining table. I thought, “uh, that’s going to be really hard.” But I took it anyway and it WAS hard. My instructor tried to help me out all along the way but there’s just so much he can do without painting it for me. It actually started out standing straight up but the instructor decided to tilt it half-way through my painting! So I spent another half hour trying to tip my pineapple over by covering parts up with more paint and fixing the shadow. This piece was certainly the most challenging and tiring but I’m glad that after three hours I ended up with something that pretty much looks like a pineapple. I was just happy to be able to bring it home and feel comfortable enough to say “eh, good enough” and call it a day. Here’s the finished product:


By the way, I’m SO done with painting fruits. Next week we’re starting on landscapes. Woo Hoo!!

What time is it?

Sunday marked the first day of Daylight Saving Time, which is whole month earlier than usual. My sleep schedule has become so messed up. Yesterday I woke up for work but felt really crappy…sniffles, headache, and sore neck. I got to work a little late, did a little work, and ended up going home at 11 for a nap. I woke up at 12:30 in time for my 1:00 appointment but on the way there my driving was making me really nauseous. So, I turned around, got home, and crawled back into bed. I slept until 4pm and stayed up until about 1:00 am this morning.

Fortunately, I woke up at 7:00, felt much better, and actually got to work on time. The weird thing is that I can’t seem to remember which clocks have been changed and which ones haven’t. So I’m constantly asking, what time is it? Am I early or late? It also doesn’t help that I didn’t wear my watch today, which has the correct time on it. *sigh* I hate DST. Springing forward never works to my advantage. I don’t care if it’s still light out when I’m driving to my painting class. It’s still 6:30.