Browse Day: March 7, 2007

yet another doc in the sandbox

Our dear friend Huy is getting ready for a 6-month deployment. If you didn’t already know, he’s been a Navy Doc for a few years now and will be going to Iraq this month. When he initially signed up for the Navy, it was pre-9/11 with no war in sight. It’s crazy how things can change so quickly.

In preparation for his departure, I got him set up with a blog. I think it will be good for him to be able to share with his friends and family back home what’s going on with him. It’ll also be good for us to get a glimpse of his experience as a doc for the Marines. Luckily, he’ll be on a base the whole time and I’ve advised him to stay put. We don’t need him going out and getting bombed or anything.

Here’s the url: I’ve also added him to my blogroll (to the right) in case you’re too lazy to bookmark it. He’ll be posting regularly (right, Huy!?) so check it daily!