Browse Day: March 6, 2007

Papaya Time!

OK, folks. Here is painting #2! This time I chose to paint a papaya that I picked out at the grocery store this afternoon.


Here is my subject, Mr. Papaya on yellow.


Here is my painting.

The photo doesn’t have the exact same angle that I was painting from but you get the idea. This one was a bit more difficult since there was different shape to deal with but I managed.

I guess I’m sticking to a “tropical fruit” theme. The goal of this project is to end up with three paintings that you can hang up next to each other on a wall. So, they need to have a common thread that ties them together but be contrasting at the same time to add some interest. For the mango and papaya, I’d say that they are similar in size and color tones but they contrast in the directions of their shadows. Here they are side-by-side:

IMG_5441a.jpg IMG_5428b.jpg

Now I just need to figure out what the third painting will be. Any suggestions?

He fought a good fight.

I am sorry to announce the death of our friend Scrappy. We found him in the pond swimming upside down on January 31st, rescued him from the current, and he stayed alive for another month. He sure was a fighter and actually looked like he was going to make a full recovery.  Alas, his health did a little nose dive a week ago and we found him dead today in his bowl. *sniff* So long, Scrappy. You will will always be remembered as the little fishie that fought a good fight.